应对区爱护学校高考英语总复习 2.2No Drugs课时作业

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英语总复习 2.2No Drugs课时作业 外研版

2.—He nearly devoted all his time to study during the past three years.

Yesor he ______ first place in the 2011 College Entrance Examinations. A.wouldn’t take C.hadn’t taken

B.wouldn’t have taken D.couldn’t take

解析:考查情态动词及虚拟语气。句意:——三年里他把所有的时间都用在了学习上。——是的。否则的话,他怎么会在高考中取得第一名。表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,主句用would have done


3In the last five yearsthe number of Chinese teenagers who studied in the USA has reached 100,000a(n)______ of 20,000 per year.

Anumber Cquantity

Bamount Daverage

解析:考查名词辨析。句意:在过去的五年里,到学习的中国青年的人数达10万人,平均每年有两万(出去学习)a number of一些;an amount of一些;a quantity of一些;an average of平均数。


4______ in a complicated web of different cultural backgrounds and traditionsthey learned to keep to themselves so that they could better defend and protect their families.

ALiving CLived

BTo live DTo be living



5.Good education doesn’t ______ a wonderful jobbut without it,it’s hard for one to get a well­paid job.

Aguarantee Ccontain

Benable Dpermit



6.—How did it ______ that Xie Tingfeng and Zhang Bozhi divorced? Well,it’s hard to figure out. Acome over Ccome across

Bcome about Dcome on

解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:——谢霆锋和张柏芝怎么会离婚呢?——嗯,我们很难知道。come over顺便来访;come about发生,造成;come across偶然碰到;come on加油。


7It ______ I stayed on the bus for twenty minutes ______ I realized I had taken the wrong bus.

Awas untilwhen C.wasn’t until;when

Bwas untilthat D.wasn’t until;that

解析:考查强调句式。句意:直到我在公交车上呆了二十分钟我才发现我坐错了车。not until的强调句型为:It is/was not untilthat+其它部分。


8After going through so many difficultiesthey ______ got what they had been looking forward to.

Anormally Cparticularly

Beventually Doriginally




9Jimwhy are you unhappyWas it what I said or something I did ______ made you upset? Awhich Cwhen

Bwhat Dthat

解析:考查it强调句型。句意:吉姆,你为什么不高兴?是我说了什么还是做了什么让你不高兴了?句中强调主语what I said or something I did,构成强调句型“It is/was...that...”。


10Two years on from the end of the long and bloody conflictmost Sri Lankans feel a(n)______ of relief since there is no more fighting and no more bomb attacks.

Afaith Csense

Bthought Didea

解析:考查名词辨析及搭配。句意:漫长、血腥的冲突结束两年后,大多数斯里兰卡人都有一种解脱感,因为不再有战争和轰炸。a sense of relief解脱感。


11______ an area of 57 square kilometers and holding 600 million cubic meters of waterHongfeng Lake is the largest artificial lake in Guizhou.

ACovering CTo cover

BHaving covered DCovered

解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:湖水面积57平方公里,蓄水量达6亿立方米,红枫湖是贵州省最大的人工湖。Hongfeng Lakecover之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,用现在分词作伴随状语。


12Unemployment is on the rise in some countries and a growing number of people______ the young onesare finding they are out of work.

Ain case Cin particular

Bin all Din total

解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意:一些国家的失业率一直在上升,越来越多的人,特别是年轻人失业。in case万一,如果;in all总共;in particular特别地;尤其;in total总共。


13Now that we have not got a suitable candidatewe ______as well give him a chance.
