堆雪人英语作文 堆雪人英语作文 在日常生活或是工作学习中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?以下是小编为大家收集的堆雪人英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 天刚蒙蒙亮,小立睁开眼睛,哈!天上飘下了雪花,像地毯一样铺在地上。“下雪了!下雪了!”他赶忙从床上跳下来,喊起同院的小伙伴。“下雪了!下雪了!快出来堆雪人吧!”小伙伴一听,高兴起来,赶快穿好衣服,冲出了院子。 It's just dawn, Xiaoli opens his eyes, ha! Snow fell from the sky and spread on the ground like a carpet. "It's snowing! It's snowing! " He jumped out of bed and called out to his fellow hospital mates. "It's snowing! It's snowing! Come out and make a snowman! " My little friend was happy. He dressed quickly and rushed out of the yard. 咦,真下雪了!他们高兴得手舞足蹈,有的在地上打滚儿,有的翻跟头,有的.....高兴得不得了。“行了行了,别闹了。”小立说“快点儿堆雪人吧!”小伙伴听了,赶快从家里拿出铁铲、铁桶,堆起雪人来。小华先用簸箕堆了一个大大的雪球,当做雪人身子。小红又从家里拿出竹竿插进雪球里,当做雪人的手。于是,雪人的身子就做好了。小华用簸箕又堆了一个小雪球。小军赶快又往上铲了点儿雪,“脑袋大就聪明嘛。”他笑着说。头、身子堆好了,可是就差眼睛、鼻子、帽子。对了,铁桶不就可以当帽子吗?小成赶快把铁桶往雪人脑袋上一扣,这是雪人帽子。小红又从家里拿出两块煤球和一根胡萝卜,往雪人脸上一按,又在雪人鼻下用手指画一条弯线,哈!一个雪人堆好了。小伙伴们又高兴得笑起来。“雪人,谁都不许动!”小立说,“除了太阳公公请它上天外,谁要是动一下,谁就是......”“小狗!”小成扯着嗓子喊。“好啊好啊!”他们的'笑声飘得很远,很远...... Eh, it's snowing! They danced happily, some rolled on the ground, some somersaulted, some... They were very happy. "Come on, stop it." Xiaoli said, "make a snowman quickly!" Listen to me. Take out the shovel and bucket from home and make a snowman. Xiaohua first made a big snowball with a dustpan as a snowman's body. Xiaohong takes out a bamboo pole from home and s it into the snowball as the snowman's hand. So, the snowman's body is ready. Xiaohua made another snowball with a dustpan. The little army shoveled a little more snow quickly. "Big head is smart." He said with a smile. The head and body are piled up, but the eyes, nose and hat are poor. By the way, can a bucket be a hat? Xiao Cheng quickly put the bucket on the snowman's head. This is the snowman's hat. Xiaohong takes out two coal balls and a carrot from her home, presses them on Snowman's face, and draws a curved line with her finger under Snowman's nose, ha! A snowman is ready. The boys laughed again. "Snowman, no one is allowed to move!" Xiao Li said, "in addition to the sun grandfather asked him to go to heaven, if anyone moves a little, he is..." puppy! " Xiao Cheng shouted at the top of his voice. "Yes, yes!" Their laughter is far away, far away 点评: Comment: 1.故事情节设计合理,内容完整,思路清晰,小作者按一定的顺序清晰地叙述了堆雪人的过程。 1. The plot design is reasonable, the content is complete, and the thought is clear. The author clearly describes the snowman making process in a certain order. 2.孩子们的形象生动,“雪人”的诞生过程充满乐趣,文中的人物语言充满了孩子气,天真、稚气又可爱。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/86fa23191a2e453610661ed9ad51f01dc3815749.html