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英语剧表演 音乐之声(THE SOUND OF MUSIC)剧本

1004 张蒙蕊 M Maria(家教) C Captain(爸爸) L Liesl (大女儿) B Brigitta(二女儿) F Friedrich (大

儿子) K Kert(小儿子) Matar(三女儿) G Gretl(小女儿) Max(管家)

Chapter 1

This is a warm day. And something is going to happen in a house with a captain and seven children.

MOh, my god. One captain and seven children. What can I do? But I’ll try my best. Come on, I can do it! (行至门前)Hello, any body home? Max: Yes, I’m coming. whos that?

M: my name is Maria, is this captains home. Im the new teacher here. Max: Ok, nice to meet you. Come in please. M: nice to meet you too.

Max: captain, the new teacher is here. (少校上场)Captain, this is Maria, the new teacher. and this is captain.

C: Ok, Maria. As you know, Im a captain, I hope you will be strict to the children as I do. This is the signal. Boys and girls this is your new teacher, you should obey the teachers order,(行至kert面前,做挺胸动作,纠正其站姿) understand? Now introduce yourselves to the teacher. I’m being off for a while. (少校下场)

L: Im Liesl. Im sixteen years old, I don’t think I need a governess.(摆头) F: I’m Friedrich, I’m impossible. M who told you that

F nisses margirate, the last teacher.

L: I’m Louisa. there is no need to remember my name. because I think you will leave soon.(不屑) B: I’m Brigitta. I think your dress is the ugliest one I ever saw. kert作查看状)

K: Brigitta, you shouldnt say that. Brigitta: why not? Dont you think so?

Kurt: Of course, but it isnt the ugliest. I’m Kurt. I’m eleven. Im incorrigible. M: Congradunations! K:What is incorrigible?

M That is to say you should be treated like a boy! Marta: I’m Marta.

M: you didnt tell me how old you are. Marta HENG!~(扭头)

G: I’m Gretl. I like pink and rabbit!. Glad to see you. M: Pink is also my color, nice to meet you. Now I have to tell you a secret. I have never been a governess before. L: you mean you dont know anything about being a governess?(凑近M) K: You neednt call daddy captain. M: You shouldnt obey the time.

F: When you eat noodles…… G: Dont listen to them. M: Why?

G Because I like you. Chapter 2

Time goes by. Maria finally made good friends with the children. And today they will go for a picnic.

M: Come on, children, today we are going to have a picnic, are you ready? Kids: Ok, lets go!

L: Maria, can we do this everyday? M: Wont you get bored?

L: I suppose so. Every other day?

M: Kids, do you like songs? now lets singing. Boys: but we dont know how to sing. Girls: can you teach us?

M: Of course. Ok, lets begin.

(sing)Lets start at a very beginning. A very good place to start. When you read you begin with Kids: A B C.

When you sing you begin with doe-ray-me. Kids: doe ray me.

Doe ray me, the first three notes just happen to be. Doe ray me Kids. : doe ray me.

M:duo ray mi fa sew la ti(众人作不解状,耸肩) OK let me make it easier. Doe a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun Me, a name I call myself. For, a long long way to run Sew, a needle pulling thread La, a note to follow sew

Tea, a drink with jam and bread

That will bring us back to do oh-oh-oh (repeat) Chapter 3

After several days,captain finally came back home.and he noticed something had changed.

C children? Anybody home? Max? kids?

C marta? Kurt?where are you ?


C Maria,where have you gone? you shouldnt take them out ,tell me What are you doing here

M : kids, go back to your rooms
