日-92-所罗门群岛人学汉语Chinese-English dictionary

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-92-所罗门群岛人学汉语Chinese-English dictionary

rì ①太阳sun:~出sunrise丨~落sunset②从天亮到天黑的一段时间;白天(‘夜’相对)daytime/day(opp. to `night'):~班day shift丨夜以继~day and night/round the clock③地球自转一周的时间;day:今~today丨改~some other day④每天;一天一天地daily/every day/with each passing day:~记diary丨身体~趋健康get better each passing day⑤泛指一段时间time:往~in former ( bygone) days丨来~the coming day/in the future⑥指日本Japan:~元Yen丨~语Japanese 日益 一天比一天increasingly/day by day:

日薄西山 太阳快要落山了,比喻衰老的人或腐朽的事物临近死亡(:

)decline like a sun setting beyond the western hill/decline like the setting sun/sink fast just like the sun setting behind the western hills/be at one's last gasp/be on one's (or its) last legs/in the evening of life/in one's later days/the sun is pressing on the western hills-one's days are rapidly declining

日不暇给(jǐ) 形容事物繁忙,没有空闲

日就月将(jiāng) 每天有成就,每月就有进步形容积少成多(:成就;:前进) 日暮途穷 天黑了,路到头了比喻到了末日come to the end of one's rope/come to a dead end/a rough time and the end of the road-at the end of one's rope/on one's last legs/poor and homeless/in one's decline/head for doom/destitude

日上三竿 太阳升起来离地已有三根竹竿那么高多用来形容人起床晚the sun is three poles high/it's late in the morning

日新月异 形容进步、发展很快,一天一个样子

bring about new changes day after day/have great changes day after day/change greatly/never-ending changes and improvements/new every day, different every month/with new changes day after day/constant (or incessant) changes

日托day-care│日光灯daylight lamp/fluorescent lamp│日杂商店sundries store
