go after造句

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Go after造句

1、Alice said to Gina, “Why don’t you go after him, he’s your son.” 艾丽斯对吉娜说:“你为什么不追他,他是你儿子。”

2、Then both Hampton and Jack go after the assailant. 其后,汉普顿和杰克一起向开枪射击者追了过去。

3、Can't you go after class? 你不能下课后才去吗?

4、I want you to go after him again, in the asylum. 我想让你再到收容所一趟.

5、Hillary wanted to go after Perot. 希拉里想抨击佩罗。

6、Doubt is an enemy. Go after it. 怀疑是敌人,追赶它,消灭它。

7、You only live once, you only get one bite at the apple, I suggest you go after your dreams. 你的一生只有一次,你的苹果只咬了一口,我建议你去追寻你的梦想。

8、Warner itself may decide to go after EMI. 华纳本身可能会决定在百代公司之后进行拍卖。

9、We rarely see someone go after the health area. 我们很少看到有人追求健康领域。

10、Go after your dreams and do so boldly. 追求你的梦想,大胆去做。

11、He does not want to go after the oil companies. 他不想向石油公司讨回公道。

12、They won't even go after the FBI agent trying to nail them. 他们甚至不会去跟随想收拢他们的FBI。

13、This will help you prioritize your goals and determine which to go after first. 这样将有助于你确定哪个目标先做,哪个后做。

14、To go after something and return with it. 取来去找某物并带之返回

15、If we go after the Turk and the Families interfere, we'll negotiate the issue. 要是咱们想抓那个‘土耳其人’,而其他大家族要插手干涉,那咱们就。

16、You go after them with the law, they just use it against you. 你用法律来对付他们,他们就用法律来对付你。

17、Do you have the courage to go after what you want with tenacity and see it through to the end?


18、If you want to live a simpler life, go after the white-space already! 如果你想要过更简单的生活,就快开始文中的这种闲暇生活吧!

19、Or the Apprentice gave you the push you needed to go after your own business idea. 再或者《飞黄腾达》这节目真能让你事业有成。

20、You can have what you want, if you will only go after it. 你能拥有你所想要的,只要你去追求它。

21、I have to go after Steve Mercer, she thought for probably the billionth time. 我一定要去找史蒂夫·默瑟,这大概是她第十亿次这样想了。

22、Still, American and European trustbusters have already teamed up to go after Intel. 然而,美国和欧盟反垄断官员已经合作起来跟随英特尔。

23、The shooters hear this and go after them, firing as the car pulls away. 杀手们听到了这个动静,向她们追来,在汽车驶离时向她们开火。

24、You can go after your dreams if you choose to. 只要你想,你就可以追寻你的梦想。

25、Then you have to take the actions to remove the barriers and go after what you want. 然后你就要采取行动来移走这些障碍,去追寻你想要的。

26、Go after what you want, even though you may not believe that it is possible. 去追求你想要的,即使你可能并不相信它是能做到的。

27、'you shouldn't go after a journalist because they bought stolen property and tried to extort you.'


28、But May, where do people go after they die? 但是阿美,人们死后去了哪里呢?
