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英语单词tower是一个名词形式,但它的中文意思不仅仅只有一种解释。下面就让店铺给大家分享英语单词tower包含的中文意思相关知识吧,希望能对你有帮助! 英语单词tower的中文意思

[ˈtaʊə(r)] [ˈtaʊɚ]


名词 塔,楼塔; 要害地; 〈罕〉(负伤鸟的)笔直向上飞; 〈美〉铁路信号所

不及物动词 远远高于,远远超过; 高耸,超越 不及物动词

1. The skyscraper towers into the sky. 该摩天大楼高耸入云。

2. Skyscrapers tower over the city. 摩天大楼高耸在这座城市中。

3. The tall building towers above all the others. 这高楼高出其它所有的建筑。

4. He towered above his contemporaries. 他超出同辈人之上。 英语单词tower的词典解释

1. ;塔楼

A tower is a tall, narrow building, that either stands alone or forms part of another building such as a church or castle.

e.g. ...an eleventh century castle with 120-foot high towers. 带有 120 英尺高塔的 11 世纪城堡 e.g. ...the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 比萨斜塔

2. (比周围的人或物)高出许多;屹立

Someone or something that towers over surrounding people or things is a lot taller than they are.

e.g. He stood up and towered over her... 他站起身来,比她高出许多。

e.g. At school, a girl may tower over most boys her age… 在学校,一个女孩可能比她同龄的大多数男孩子都要高出许多。 3. (无线电或电视信号的)发射塔

A tower is a tall structure that is used for sending radio or television signals.

e.g. Troops are still in control of the television and radio tower. 军队仍然控制着电视和广播发射塔。 4. tower block

A tower is the same as a tower block .

e.g. ...his design for a new office tower in Frankfurt. 他为法兰克福一栋新写字楼所作的设计 5. 立式机箱

A tower is a tall box that contains the main parts of a computer, such as the hard disk and the drives. 英语单词tower的双语例句

1. Known as an igneous intrusion, the 1, 267-foot-tall (386-meter-tall) Devils Tower in Wyoming formed when molten rock intruded into the existing rocks.


2. Photo Gallery: Rocks Known as an igneous intrusion, the 1, 267-foot-tall (386-meter-tall) Devils Tower in Wyoming formed when molten rock intruded into the existing rocks.


3. The famous Oriental Pearl Tower is a landmark of Shanghai.
