手术用英语怎么说 手术指医生用医疗器械对病人身体进行的切除、缝合等治疗。 那么你知道手术用英语怎么说吗?下面跟店铺一起学习手术的英语知识吧。 手术英语说法 operation surgery 手术的相关短语 手术室 operation room ; operating room ; Operating theater ; 整形手术 plastic surgery ; Plastic operation ; orthopedic operation ; Cosmetics Surgery 手术刀片 surgical blade ; scalpel blade ; operating knife blade ; knife blade 开腹手术 Laparotomy ; Open surgery ; Laparotomy operation ; Open ecphyadectom 手术镊 forceps ; surgical forceps ; surgical pliers ; Forceps Pickup 冷冻手术 cryosurgery ; operation deep freeze ; Cryosurgery 手术的英语例句 1. He has received extensive corrective surgery to his skull. 他的头骨做过大面积的矫形手术。 2. A stiff knee following surgery forced her to walk with a limp. 手术后她的膝盖活动不便,走路时被迫跛行。 3. The operation is carried out under a general anaesthetic. 该手术是在全身麻醉情况下实施的。 4. He is recovering from an operation to reset his arm. 他做了一个手臂复位手术,正在恢复。 5. His surgical instruments were a knife and a pair of pincers. 他的外科手术器械是一把刀和一把钳子。 6. This type of surgery could even be used to extract cancerous growths. 这种外科手术甚至可以用来切除癌性肿瘤。 7. Sometimes the original abortion was done so badly that the uterus prolapsed. 有时第一次流产手术做得太糟糕,会导致子宫下垂。 8. He needed surgery to cure a troublesome back injury. 他需要做手术来治好烦人的背伤。 9. She even had plastic surgery to change the shape of her nose. 为改变鼻子的形状,她甚至接受了整形手术。 10. He had a minor operation to remove a cyst. 他做了个切除囊肿的小手术。 11. Ophthalmic surgeons are now performing laser surgery to correct myopia. 眼科医生现在采用激光手术来矫正近视。 12. It was I who first raised the subject of plastic surgery. 是我第一个提到整形手术这个话题的。 13. He had an operation last year to widen a heart artery. 去年他接受了一个扩张心脏动脉的手术。 14. She spent the night in intensive care after the operation. 手术后的那个夜晚她在重症监护病房度过。 15. She hated hospitals and didn't like the idea of having an operation. 她讨厌医院,也不想做手术。 关于手术的英语阅读:外科手术中“决不该发生的事” Surgeons call them "never events,” because they are supposed to never happen: things like leaving a piece of equipment in someone or removing the wrong body part. But despite major efforts to reduce medical errors, these “never 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8ab13ebd0329bd64783e0912a216147917117ed3.html