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作者:admin 2011-8-14分类:工具使用 查看:2,8706 条评论

calibre自带v2lvs命令使用指南》介绍了calibre v2lvs命令的参数及其作用,这篇主要对其如何verilog网表转为spice网表进行举例说明。


verilog网表转为spice网表,并将需要附加的.verilog库转换到输出的spice.spi网表中 verilog网表转为spice网表,并将需要附加的.spice include 到生成的spice.spi网表中 verilog网表转为spice网表,并将verilog中的地 s0s1 分别改名为 GNDVDD verilog网表转为spice网表,大综合

v2lvs -v verilog.v -o spice.spi

v2lvs -v verilog.v -l other_lib.v -o spice.spi v2lvs -v verilog.v -s other_lib.spi -o spice.spi v2lvs -v verilog_file -s0 GND -s1 VDD -o spice_file

v2lvs -v verilog.v -l other_lib.v -s other_lib.spi -s0 GND -s1 VDD -o spice.spi

或者有更多的.verilog.spice库需要以spice.spi中输出,可以使用多个-l-s参数 以上只是个人使用中的一些小结,如有不正确和不全面之处希望大家留言补充。

做为现今流行的 深亚微米集成电路物理验证工具,calibre 有其强大的功能,其 v2lvs命令能够方便的verilog格式网表转为spice格式网表,对于IC后端的工程师来说是非常有用,且有必要掌握的。命令: v2lvs

[-l verilog_lib_file] [-lsp spice_library_file] [-lsr spice_library_file] [-s spice_library_file] [-s0 groundnet] [-s1 powernet] [-sk] [-p prefix] [-w warning_level] [-a array_delimiters] [-c char1[char2]] [-u unnamed_pin_prefix] [-t svdb_dir] [-addpin pin_name] [-b] [-n] [-i] [-e] [-h] [-cb][-ictrace] 参数介绍:·

·-v verilog_design_file

Specifies the filename of the input Verilog structural netlist. · -o output_spice_file

Specifies where to place the output LVS SPICE netlist. Default is standard out. · -l verilog_lib_file

Specifies the location of the Verilog primitive library file. It is not translated.

· -lsp spice_library_file

Specifies SPICE library file name using pin mode. The SPICE file is parsed for interface configurations. Pins with pin select ([ ]) annotation are kept as individual pins using escaped identifiers.

· -lsr spice_library_file

Specifies SPICE library file name using range mode. The SPICE file is parsed for interface configurations. Pins with pin select ([ ]) annotation are assembled into Verilog ranges. · -s spice_library_file

Specifies that the -o output file have a .INCLUDE statement placed at the beginning that points to the SPICE library file. · -s0 groundnet

Specifies the default net name for mapping to pin connections with a value of zero (0). Outputs the specified names in place of Verilog supply0 nets and generates .GLOBAL declarations in the output netlist. · -s1 powernet

Specifies the default net name for mapping to pin connections with a value of one (1). Outputs the specified names in place of Verilog supply1 nets and generates .GLOBAL declarations in the output netlist. · -sk

Specifies that Verilog supply0 and supply1 nets are not connected to the global power and ground nets. · -p prefix

Adds prefix to Verilog gate level primitive cells. · -w warning_level

Controls the amount of warning message output. Possible level choices are: 0 Selects to output no warning messages.

1 Selects to output warning messages for skipped blocks and modules only. 2 Selects to output level 1 and calls to undeclared modules and pin arrays with widths wider than ports. This is the default.

3 Selects to output level 2 and called port array mismatches and unsupported compiler directives.

4 Selects output level 3 plus all ignored constructs. · -a array_delimiters

Changes the array delimiter characters. The default is [ ]. · -c char1[char2]

Sets the substitution characters for escaped identifier characters illegal in SPICE. char1 replaces $, comma, (, ), and =. char2 replaces /. No space is needed between the two user-supplied arguments. · -u unnamed_pin_prefix

Specifies a prefix to add to unnamed pin connections in module instantiations. · -t svdb_dir

Adds source netlist pin direction information to the SVDB. This is used in Calibre xRC.

· -addpin pin_name
