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Campus English 校园英语

Asking for Information on Campus 校园问讯

8. Excuse me, can you please show me the way to the teaching building? 打扰了,你能告诉我去教学楼怎么走吗?

9. Where do I need to go to pick up my books for the semester? 我需要到哪里领书?

10. I am majoring in Computer Science, and what is your major? 我是计算机专业的,你呢?

11. Do you happen to know where the registration office is ? 你知道报到处在哪里吗?

12. I am a freshman, so I am not familiar with the campus. Can you please show me around? 我是个新生,所以对校园不是很熟悉,你能带我看看吗?

13. I would love to be a member inXX Student Union, so do you know how to apply?


14. Hey Lily, do you want to go for a walk around the campus after dinner?


15. There is a soccer match going on in the field, do you want to go and watch?


16. The auditorium is holding a student singing competition. Our friend Luke is in it. Do you want to go and cheer for him?


17. Who is your favorite teacher in the college and why?


18. I prefer to do some readings in the library rather than play computer games during my spare time. What about you?

在我空闲的时候,我更喜欢到图书馆阅读而不是去玩电脑游戏。你呢? 19. You have been the school for almost a month, how do you like it so far?


English in the Dorm 宿舍英语

20. What should I do if I dont get along with my roommates?


21. Sorry to bother you. Our shower nozzle is broken, so may I use your bathroom to take a


抱歉打扰你了,我们卫生间的喷头坏了。我能借用你们的浴室冲个澡吗? 22. Hey Mike, can you please turn down the music? It is already mid-night.


23. Lisa, this may sound rude, but I really cannot stand you throwing clothes on the dorm floor.

丽莎,这可能听起来不太友善,但是我真的受不了你总是把衣服扔在地上。 24. Tracy, it is your turn to mop the floor.


Tracy, 轮到你拖地板了。

25. Our toilet doesnt flush, we need go and tell the plumber.

我们的马桶水抽不下,我们需要告诉水管工。 26. I need to change my dorm because I dont fit in.


27. There is a big argument going on in the girls dorm next door. I have no idea how to stop them

from arguing.


English in Cafeteria 食堂英语

28. Is this seat occupied?


29. There are a variety of dishes in the canteen, but they dont taste like home dish at all.


30. The canteen is full of people. Please queue up for your meal and keep order.


31. Please take your lunch tray to the tray collecting section after your meal .

请在用完餐后把你的餐盘放到餐盘集中处。 32. Its not proper to jump the queue. Please wait in line. 插队打饭是不合适的行为,请排好队。

In-class English 课堂英语

33. Is that right that we have more classes this afternoon?


34. What time do we start our first class tomorrow morning?


35. Professor, this math problem is too difficult for me, do you mind telling me how to solve it?

老师,这道数学题对我而言太难了,你能告诉我怎么做吗? 36. It is very rude to talk, eat and sleep during a lecture.


37. Professor, is that it to tell us what will be included in the final exam?


38. Dear Professor, I am afraid that I cannot attend your lectures tomorrow because of some

personal matters, so sorry about that.


39. There are a lot of assignments for todays class, so I am afraid that we cannot play basketball

after class.


40. I was sick, so I missed two days of classes. It will be very kind of you to help me catch up.


41. This subject is too complicated, so I think I need to do some extra work before and after

classes from now on.


42. Susan, I heard you passed CET 6 this semester. Congratulations! Are there any tips about


English learning for the exam?

苏珊,听说你通过了英语六级考试。祝贺你。你有没有什么学习的窍门? 43. I failed my English final exam, so I am afraid I have to take the make-up later.


44. Excuse me Professor, I couldnt hear you in the back, so can you please be a little bit louder?


45. Excuse me Professor, I have some questions about my term paper. May I meet you in your

office today?


46. Mark twisted his ankle badly when he was playing basketball. He is in the schools clinic right

now. Can you please tell the teacher he cannot attend todays class


47. I enjoy todays class very much because there are a lot of interactions.


48. It is too hot to have classes in summer in some computer labs. 在夏天的时候一些机房太热了不能上课。

49. What is the purpose of memorizing the boring poem? I just dont get it.


In the Library 图书馆英语

50. Excuse me, can you keep quite in the library? Other students are studying.


51. Excuse me, is this the inquiry desk? I’d like to borrow some reference books on computers.


52. Can you show me how to find books that I want to borrow in the stacks here?


53. If you want to check out these books from the library, you need show your library card first.


54. There are card catalogues here. All the catalogues ae in alphabetical order by author, title or

subject. Find the particular card you are looking for. Take down the call number on the upper left corner of the card and show it to the librarian at the loan counter.

这里是卡片目录。 所有的卡片目录是以按照作者、题目或主题以字母编序的。 找到你想要的卡片,然后把卡片号码记录在卡片左上角,并把卡片交给图书借阅人员。

55. These books are due in two weeks. If you dont return the books on time, I am afraid you will

be fined.


56. Journals and magazines can only be read in the reading room. You are not allowed to take

them out.


56. You can renew the book when its due if you havent finished reading it.


