吃西餐的礼仪英语作文 你的假期休闲计划中,有木有去西餐厅享受一番?或者,你现在已经身处国外,准备到处吃吃吃了呢?然而厚厚一本菜单满满都是英文,你想吃的美味隔着一堆字母与你相见不相识,倾情演绎啥叫“世界上最远的距离”。下面是店铺为大家准备的吃西餐的礼仪英语作文,希望可以帮助大家! 吃西餐的礼仪英语作文 Differences of Table Manners Linda: Hi, Maya. I want to invite a friend from America to have a western dinner on the weekend. So I want to ask you something. Maya: What would you like to know? Linda: I just don't understand the American table manners. Maya: You should learn about some Chinese cultures, especially the table manners. Linda: I think you are right. Can you tell me the differences between Chinese table manners and American table manners? Maya: The most obvious difference is that they use knives and forks, but we use chopsticks. Linda: Exactly. I know they often place the knife and spoon on the right of the plate. The fork is on the left. Maya: You'd better keep your left hand under the table unless you use it in the process of cutting. Linda: How can I know that he is full? Maya: He will tell you that he is full. And if he puts knife and fork in a position on the plate looking like the hands of a clock at 5: 30, it means that he is finished. Linda: There are really so many differences. Thank you. Maya: You are welcome. 菜 品 形 式 就像中餐分主食、热菜、凉菜、点心等等一样,西餐菜单也把菜品分门别类,并且也有“套餐”概念,不过中西饮食习惯不同,所以与中餐类别相对应的食物,不一定是你熟悉的形式。下面就以经典法餐的菜单流程为例,介绍每种西餐类别的名称和内容: Appetizer/First Course前菜 美式叫法:Starter 西餐的主菜,以大块肉类为主,或者是整块鱼,或大个头的海鲜中国人概念里的主食和素食,比如面包和土豆泥。也会作为配菜(Side Dish)一齐奉上美国快餐店的菜单,还有1主n配的套餐(Combo)。 Dressing / Sauce酱汁 Dressing指的不是裙子,是沙拉的调味汁,Sauce泛指搭配菜肴和甜点的各种蘸汁、烧汁,比如番茄酱(Ketchup)、肉卤(Gravy),一般来讲sauce比dressing要浓稠重口一些厚重感再强一点的,叫Paste。 Dessert/Pudding甜点 为啥pudding是甜点,有两点值得说明:一是饮料(Beverage)并不算甜品,一般需要单点;二是咱爱吃的甜软型面包,反倒可以作甜点。因为很多都是酥皮点心(Pastry),在西方不太算主食。 食 材 类 型 大概是很多人对西餐菜单产生畏难情绪的一个原因。但实际上,西餐菜名还比中餐更“坦诚”呢,像“夫妻肺片”这种细思恐极的抽象菜名,是绝对没有的 基本都是【制法+主料+配料】这种毫无创意的格式。所以,只要知道大部分西餐常吃的食材及其部位,菜名再长,也不会有啥理解难度哒~。 肉类部位 Chicken鸡肉 吃西餐礼仪英语句子 01.Dining in a Western restaurant, we have to learn a lot of dos and don'ts. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8b16e386fbc75fbfc77da26925c52cc58bd69022.html