向外国友人介绍中国传统文化中英文对照开头与结尾 开头:Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, Napoleon Bonaparte once said that there are two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run, the sword will always be conquered by the spirit. We should develop education more actively. Education can open people’s minds, impart knowledge and cultivate temperament. The continued process of learning can help people better appreciate the value of different civilizations. The Chinese people are striving to fulfill the Chinese dream of the great renewal of the Chinese nation. The Chinese dream is about prosperity of the country, rejuvenation of the nation, and the happiness of the people. It reflects both the ideal of the Chinese people today, and our time honored tradition, to seek constant progress. 女士们、先生们、朋友们!拿破仑曾经说过,世上有两种力量:利剑和思想;从长而论,利剑总是败在思想手下。我们要积极发展教育事业,通过普及教育,启迪心智,传承知识,陶冶情操,使人们在持续的格物致知中更好认识各种文明的价值,让教育为文明传承和创造服务。中国人民正在为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而奋斗。实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦,就是要实现国家富强、民族振兴、人民幸福,既深深体现了今天中国人的理想,也深深反映了中国人自古以来不懈追求进步的光荣传统。 结尾:As a well-known Chinese vlogger, Li Ziqi has more than 16 million YouTube subscribers. The poetic idyllic life and profound traditional Chinese culture in her videos have attracted fans from all over the world. 作为一位中国美食短视频创作者,李子柒目前在YouTube平台上的订阅者多达1620万,其充满诗意的田园生活和博大精深的中国文化吸引了来自世界各地的粉丝。 As long as the vloggers make and polish their vlogs with heart, the audience of any age will be able to feel their genuineness. 尽管语言不通,来自世界各地的网友们却依旧能通过她的视频感受那份片刻的宁静与美好。 The earth is like a small village in the universe. Different countries and regions may not understand each other's languages 不同的文化背景、不同的语言环境和不同的人文风情并不影响人们之间互相懂得和理解 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8b5d77a2d3d233d4b14e852458fb770bf78a3ba5.html