中国传统手工艺英文介绍 (每条都是我自己写的啊亲 好好看 很短不多 每条一句话) 泥人(Clay Figure) 中文介绍: 泥人是雕塑的一种,使用泥土为原料,多表现人物。著名的有泥人张。 英文介绍: Clay Figure is a sculpture using clay as raw material, a lot of them performance figures. The most famous clay figure artists is Clay Figurine Zhang. 糖画(Sugar Painting) 中文介绍: 糖画是一种汉族民间手工艺,以糖为材料来进行创造。艺人使用小汤勺舀起溶化了的糖水,在石板上飞快地来回浇铸,画出造型,并用小铲刀将糖画铲起。 英文介绍: Sugar Painting is a Chinese folk handicrafts, which uses sugar as material for creation. The artists use a small spoon to scoop up the sugar melted, spread rapidly back and forth on the slate, draw shapes.Then use a small shovel scooped Sugar Painting. 剪纸(Paper-Cut) 中文介绍: 剪纸就是用剪刀、刀把纸剪成各种各样的图案。人们把美丽的剪纸贴在墙上或玻璃窗上、门上,表达节日里浓郁的欢乐与喜庆。 英文介绍: Paper-Cut is to use scissors and knife to cut paper into various shapes. People put beautiful paper-cut attached to the wall or glass window on the door. Express their rich joy and happiness in the festival. 绣花鞋(Embroidered Shoes) 中文介绍: 绣花鞋是中国的一种传统布鞋,它是刺绣跟布鞋的完美结合。有着非常久远的历史。 英文介绍: Embroidered Shoes is a Chinese traditional cloth shoes. It is the perfect combination of embroidery and cloth shoes,has a very long history. 云锦(Brocade or Nanjing Brocade) 中文介绍: 南京云锦是中国传统的丝制工艺品, 是中国丝绸文化的精华,至今还在使用传统的老式木制机器织造。 英文介绍: Brocade is a Chinese traditional silk crafts. It is the essence of Chinese silk culture. So far, it is still using the traditional old wooden machine to weave. 丝绸(Silk Cloth) 中文介绍: 丝绸是一种以蚕丝为原料的纺织物。(跟云锦重复了,云锦就是丝绸的一种。) 英文介绍: Silk Cloth is a kind of textile which uses silk as raw material. 水墨画(Ink And Wash Painting) 中文介绍: 水墨画是一项中国传统艺术,是由水和墨经过调配不同的浓度所画出的画。 英文介绍: Ink and wash painting is one of Chinese traditional arts. Painted by water and ink through the deployment of different proportions. 本文来源: