外研版(三起)英语三下 全册备课

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1. Can read the words of the word-list .

2. Listen and understand and say the dialogues. 3.Understand and translate the phrases. 4.Do the role play after every dialogue. 5.Sing and chant. Key point

1. Read the words of the word-list and learn to say every dialogue.

2. make some new short dialogue by oneself. 3. Read all the phrases of the dialoguew. Difficult point

Grammer and pronunciations.

Draw pictures to learn the words if can. Learn to sing and chant.

Do more reading of the phrases.

Do the role play after learning every dialogue.

Module1 Friends

1、知识目标 1基本能够听懂,会说,并认读词汇:nice, shy, clever, naughty, cool 及短语a bit 2学会用 This is …”以及 He/She is very naughty /nice.用以介绍人物的句子结构。

3)复习词汇:thin, fat, short, tall. 2、能力目标:学会描述人物的特征和个性。


1、词汇:nice, shy, clever, naughty, cool, a bit的正确认读及使用。

2、认读并理解运用句子“This is …”以及 He/She is very naughty /nice.结构。知道Shes a nice teacher. Shes very nice.的区别。 1、课时安排:

Unit 1 …………………………………..1课时 Unit 2 …………………………………..1课时 2、多听录音,让学生模仿语音语调。


教学 重点 难点

Module one Friend


Unit 1 she is a nice teacher




1:Be able to lisen and point to the conversation.

2:Be able to say the conversation proficiently.

3:Be able to act it out.

The students can introduce a someone recorde to others. r


教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 1.Warmer 1.Greetings:Say"Happ y New Year"to the students. Greetings New year is 2.Lead them to sing an English song named Happy each beginning New Year. other . spring 3.Tell the students what they did during the festival is winter holiday. over . 4.Tell the students new plan in the new term . Sing an Welcome the 2.New lesson English students 1.Listen to the tape and point to the sentence . song back to 2.Listen again and again after it . together . school. 3.Work in pairs: One students point to a picture and introduce Say what the person in the pictuer ,the other one they did Each one listens,then change. over the wants 4.Find some pairs to come to the front to act it winter to tell out. holiday . the

classmates Let student what they talk sth did during about the the winter new plan. holiday. Listen to the tape To improve and point . the pupils' Read after listening . the tape . Be able to

say the conversatioWork in n rightly. pairs one says and To train the the other sentence listens . patterns To make the students Act it out. says the

dialogue better.

Most of the students can say the conversation


proficiently.A few need to practice more.

Shes a nice teacher. a bit shy

a nice teacher a clever pupil

a very naughty bird 课题

Unit 2 He's cool



教学目标 教学重难点

1.Be able to introduce own family and friend . 2.Be able to work in pairs . 3.listen to the tape .

Talk about own family and friends. a recorder




To go over the

conversation they have

learnt in Unit One.

教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 1.Warmer 1.Make the students Introduce the introduce the person in person in some some pictures. pictures. 2.Go over the dialogue Read the they have learned in the conversation in last lesson. Unit One .

3.Look at some pictures Come to the front To improve and introduce Maomao to introduce the Ms Smart,Xiaoyong Maomao ,Ms Smart pupils'ability of Parrot,etc. Xiaoyong ,parrot saying . 2.New lesson etc. 1.listen to the tape and point 2.Listen again and read Listen to the tape They can improve the after the tape . and point. ability of hearing. 3.Explain the conversation . They can improve Translate the the ability of 4.Take out the dialogue . hesring . photos of your family or friends and introduce them Introduce their

to your classmate. family or friend. According to the explanation ,the 5.Four students are pupils can group,introduce understand the your family or tsxt better. friend to the others. The pupils can

Work in groups. know more each

other .

This lesson is so easy .I teach them read only some times ,the 反思 students can say it well.

Hes cool. big brother little sister cool cute 课题 Friends 课时 综合 教学目标 1.Be able to listen and say ,then say the poem


and do the actions.

2.Be able to talk about your classmates.

Learn to say a poem . Be able to talk about the 准备 a classmates. recorder


教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 1.Warmer To go over the 1.Take out the photos of family or Introduce conversation friends and introduce their famly or they have learnt. friend to the 2.Go over scme classmates. words :naughty ,shy ,clever ,nice ,cool ,etc. To read the words 3.Work in pairs. Read the words more proficiently times. and 2.New lesson rightly. 1.Listen to the tape and point to the Ask and poem. answer in

pairs. To improve the students' Listen to hearing . the tape and point .

教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 2.Listen again and read after the tape. Read after the tape. Read after the 3.Say the poem and do the actions. tape ,they can Say the poem check their 4.Talk about your classmates "Lily ia a and do the pronunciation. very clever girl." actions. 5.Play a game :one asks"Are you naughtly ?"the other answers "yes ,I Talk about

am ."or "No ,I'm not."


This is my friend , Mary.. She is very nice. She is tall and thin.

your They can add up classmates. each other's friendship . Play a game

The class' atmosphere is activity. The students learn to say a poem and play a game .Tgey are very happy.

Module2 London

教学 重点 难点

1Words and phrases: capital, about, beautiful, be from 2Sentences: Im from London London is the capital of England Its very big and very beautiful. 3Grammar: the present tense

1. Can understand and say the sentences.

2. Use the sentences to describe a place correctly. 3. Make sure the students can use the new words and the pattern in the real situations.ssions: 1;课时安排:

Unit 1 …………………………………..1课时 Unit 2 …………………………………..1课时 2:多听录音,让学生模仿语音语调。


Module 2


Unit 1 London is the capital of England

课时 新授

1. Be able to listen and say :Its a book about

教学目标 London.

2. Be able to do according to the teachers order . Be able to describe a city or a place.

教学重难点 准备 a


教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I.Warmer 1.Move around the cla ssroom,pick up an Look at the teacher Be able to object and say answer the Whats this?point and answer some teachers question . to another object and say. questions . 2.Do many examples w ith the class. 3.Have the students d o the activity in Make the students pairs .Remind them the wordthis is used for do the activity in To do activity people or objects are better. touching or close to pairs. II.New teaching 1.Get the students to lo ok at the pictures Look at the picture and and see if they can listen to the tape. work 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 out what is happening 2.After completing List Answer some question. To improve the st ten and udents hearing. point ,revise big and small. Work in pairs . one point 3.pick up or point to ob to the things in the jects in the story ,the classroom other one asks.

say This, To improve the That……’. abil 4.Now point to some of ity of speaking. the things in the stor y and have individual

students tell you if th ey are big or small .

Most of the pupils can read well .A few of them cant 反思 do it well.

London is the capital of England.

a book about London Buckingham Palace

very big and very beautiful the Queens house 课题

Unit 2: This is the river Thames.





1. Be able to listen and say: This is Hyde Park.

It's very beautiful.

2. Be able to describe places or things.

Be able to describe places or Pictures


things. a recorder


教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I.Warmer 1. Revise abjectives Tell the students that To go over you are going to say an Listen to the teacher adjectives,



abjective. carefully. students can remember They have to find them. something in their books The students have to that the adjective find something in their describes. Ask two or books that the three students to say adjective describes. which object they close. II.New teaching 1.Listen to the tape,point and say

Listen to the tape. First this, the students can improve their listning.

教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 2. Tell the students The students have to close their books and say the second word of explain the first word of the two_word name. a two_word place name. 3.Have the students work in pairs contunue the activity in pairs. 4. Tell the students I'm The pupils are able to going to say adjectivies Guess the city or describe places or and they have to think of minument in China things. monuments in China that according to the these adjectives teacher. describes.

反思 They must practice more after class.

This is the River Thames.

The River Thames long and wide many boats on the river

Big Ben very old very tall

Hyde Park very beautiful

Tower Brige very famous very beautiful




London 课时 综合

1. say the words of this Module. 2. can read the dialogue freely.

3.introduce a place according to the module.

Be able to describe places or Pictures


things. a recorder


教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I.Warmer 1. sing a song. 2.go over the famouse Try to say the places of To go over some place in london this module. adjectives, the students can remember II.New teaching them. 1.teacher say in Say the words. Chinese,students translate the words into English. 2. try to introduce the Go over the dialogue. Practise the speaking place of London in own ability. words, or try to remember the dialogue.

教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 3. read after the Read dialogue. recorder .

work in pairs 4.learn to sing the song listen and learn . London Bridge.

Sing a song to know more about London.

Some students can use the words to introduce a place,but some can

t. We can see that they are not familiar to the dialogue. Practise 反思

more and more.


the River Thames Big Ben

Hyde park Tower Bridge Buckingham Palace

Module 3 Picnic

1使take picnic ball great why because so Thursday Friday Saturday homework, help, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 2 、熟练使用句子:Were going to have a picnic. Will you take your kite? Yes,I will./ No, I won t.On Monday Ill go swimming. Will you play football on Monday?Yes, I will.../No, I wont. 1 、对句型Will you take your kite? Yes,I will./ No, I wont.的正确使用。 1 、对句型Will you play football on Monday?Yes, I will.../No, I won

t. 的正确使用。


Unit 1 …………………………………..1课时

Unit 2 …………………………………..1课时



Module 3 课题

Unit 1:Will you take your kite ?





1. Learn about the future tense.Will you……? 2. Be able to ask and answer in pairs.

Be able to make a plan and talk


about it. a recorder


教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I.Warmer 1.Tell the students to pretend they are going on a picnic .Get them to think of things they Retend theyre goin might take ,Write the Be able to make a words on the g on a picnic. board .Encourage the plan and talk about students to think of both Think of things objects and food. it. they might take. II.New lesson 1.Tell the students to close their books .Im going to play he tape .They have to answer Close their books. question. 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 2.After listening,as Listen to the tape the students can k the students if any of and answer the teacher

the things an the list are s question improve their mentioned on the tape. s. listening. 3.Tell the students to choose one object they Choose one object re going to take on the they will take on the picnic. picnic. To have the 4.Ask them questions. If you ask about sth that classatmosphere. any of the students have Find who is the winner. written down,those students must stand up .

The studends are very interested in the picnic .so they learned 反思


Will you take your kite?

We are going to have a picnic.

Will you take your ball?

Yes, I will. No, I wont. 课题

Unit 2: On Monday Ill go swimming.

课时 拓展


教学重难点 教学过程 教师活动 I.Warmer

1.Be able to talk about the plans.

2.Learn to say :Monday,Tuesday,WednesdaySunday. 3.Drills:Will you play football onMonday?

Talk about the plans about the seven


days of a week. a recorder



1.Write the numbers Have them predict the 1-7 on the board. Write meaning of the They can go er the the words Monday to words ,Monday ,Tuesday days of the weeks. Sunday under the and so on. numbers. 2.Now tell the studen ts Im going to say They have to use an a day and they have to ordinal number and say use an ordinal number which day it is. and say which day it is. II.New lesson 1.Have the students The students can say suggest activities that Say some activities.go many activitions. they do and write a list swimming,read a an the board,eg.play book ,watch TV,etc. football ride a bike,etc.

教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 2.Then draw the following calendar on the board. 3.Have the studends cope,the calendar in They should write a their exercise books. ctivitise on the calendar. 4.then have the stude From this activity, nds work in pairs and the pupils can improve tell one another what Work in paris and tell their orals. will do on the seven dayd another one sth. of the week.

The class atmosphere is very high . The studends are interestsd 反思 in some activities.well done!

On Monday Ill go swimming.

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

play with my friends go to the park do my homework

visit my grandma help my mother read my books 课题 Picnic 课时 综合

1. Learn to say drills:What will shanshan do on Monday?


2. Learn to sing an English song.

Be able to ask and answer what they

教学重难点 will do in a week. 准备 a recorder


教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I.Warmer 1.Have the students look at the picture and say Look at the picture and To improve the what type of song this say the names of any studentsatmosphere. is . clapping song or games 2.Play the tape and let they know. the students listen to The pupils are glad the melody.Then play the Have the class sing to learn it. spoken version of the the song . song and have the students repest each time. II.New lesson 1.Listen to the tape and have the students ask and answer.What will Listen to the tape shanshan do on From this activity, Monday?OnMonday shell Have the students go swimming. 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 2.Have the students say what shanshan will do in ask and answer in the students are other days of the week. pairs. able to improvethe 3.Play a game :

Today is Monday and

tomorrow is Tuesday. Play a game . 3. Four students Say what day is are a group . Talk about it. today or tomorrow

one by one.

listening and


In this lesson ,most of the students did very well.I was very glad .I 反思

hope they would go on.

go swimming play with my friends

do my homework help my mother

visit my grandma

Module 4 Robots

教学 重点 难点

1.Describing things in the future and talking about abilities. 2.Describing weather in the future and talking about weather.

1.Sentences: One day, robots will do everything. It can walk. Will it be windy in Beijing? Yes, it will./ No, it wont. 2.Words and phrases: robot everything one day housework learn our weather

开展游戏“GuessWhat the robot will do ?”。以小组为单位选派代表扮演机器人,带上“机器人”帽子上前做动作,其他小组使用“You will……”或“Will you ……”句型进行猜测,优胜者给予奖励。

让学生通过看电视,看报纸等各种渠道调查第二天各地的 天气情

况,制作出自己的 天气预报表,然后做“小小天气预报员”,使用英语向同学们预报最近各地的天气情况。

Module 4


Unit 1:Robots will do everything





1.Be able to say : It can walk .Robots will do everything. 2.Be able to talk about something with will.

Be able to describe the abilities


with can. a recorder


教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I.Warmer 1.On the board draw a After talking about robot.Then write It Have pairs of can.under the robot. students come to the the robots ,they can front . 2.point to the robot improve the in again and say,It can Students Asays what the read and then pick up a robot can do and terests about them . book and pretend to read. student B does the action . The children are II.New lesson very happy. 1. Have the students look at the picture.Ask question in Chinese. Look at the pictures To improve the 2. Now say that and answer the studentsability of I;m going to call out the question. translation. names of diff 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 erent objects and people in the picture Listen to the teacher s and the students have to and point to them. point to them. 3.Explain to the student Im going to point to the

different pictures in Activity 3 and make The pupils are able statements about them. Have the students to describe the 4.Do a lot of examples continue the activity abilities with can. with the class. in pairs.A

fter three turns they should swap roles.

Students are interested in the robot,especially to recording , so they can read it very well. 反思

Robot will do everything.

Will they do the housework? Yes, they will. No, they wont. 课题

Unit 2:Will it be windy in Beijing?





1.Be able to say :It will be windy in Beijing.Will it be windy in Beijing?Yes,it will./No,it wont. 2.Be able to say the weather report. Be able to talk about the weather.


a recorder

教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I.Warmer 1.Introduce some of the Now perform mimes to new vocabulary by drawing show the students the some pictures to represen meaning of the other This can have the t the different wea weather conditions or ther patterns. make students atmospher 2.Write the appropiat a statement and have eweatherwords un the students to do e derneath and place the an appropriate mime. pictures on the wall of

the classroo m. II.New lesson 1. Have the Close their books To in crease the students c say the type of weather pupils listening lose their books.C in the city. ability. all out a city and the 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 type of weather in that city. 2.Do lot of examples. The students Then have the stude should continue the nts continue the activity in pairs. activity in pairs. Be able to improve 3.Listen to the tape Listen to the tape and the students study and raed after it. read after the tape together . interests. 4.Do a lot of practice to familiarise the students with the new vocabulary.

We cant say be rain and be snow,this is a little difficult

to some pupils.they usually say be rain. Do more reading. 反思

Will it be windy in Beijing?

be hot

sunny windy cold

rain snow 课题 Robots 课时 综合

教学目标 教学重难点

1.Be able to say :will it be windy in Beijing?Yes,it will./No ,it wont.Will it be sunny tomorrow? 2.Be able to say the chant. Be able to talk about the weather about


the future. a recorder


教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I.Warmer 1.greetings. 2.Look outside and To increase the pupils say:Its[type of Cape the teachers weather]today.Hold up or point to the exanple ,and ask and activities. appropiate weather symbol.Ill have to say answer in pairs. rainingor snowing if there is rain or snow. To know new words 3.Follow the same produre for the remaining pronunciation. symbols. II.New teaching 1.Have the students look at the books an d say what they think the chant Look at the books and Listen more times ,so

say what they think the they can chant will

教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 will be about(the weather). spesk correctly 2.Ask the students what is their favourite time be about the weather . of year and why.Find out if they prefer being hot or cold. Listen to the tape 3.Play the tape and have and say the chant. Study in pairs the the class say the chant as they listen. pupils can help each 4.Play a game Play a game and work in Will it be sunny pairs. other. tomorrow?

Will and be going to express the nearly same meaning.but 反思

also has some defference.

rain snow

第五模块 Module 5 Size 教学 重点 难点

1Words and phrases: old\older young\younger strong\stronger than 2Sentences: Sam is shorter than Lingling. Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.

3Talking about comparisons. 1Words and phrases: old\older young\younger strong\stronger than

2Sentences: Sam is shorter than Lingling. Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.


请学生通过查看地图、地理书和上网查询等方式,找出中国境内最长的河流和最高的山峰,比较北京和天津的 大小、长城和颐和园的历史,为第二单元做好学习准备。

请学生回家制作道具或简笔画卡片,内容包括衣物、鞋帽、日常用品等,提醒学生将物品画成不同的颜色,标注不同的号码和 尺寸,为第二单元的 学习做准备。

Module 5


Unit 1:Amys taller than Lingling.

课时 新授


1. Be able to compare size: Amys taller than Lingling.

I m older than lingling.Is sam stronger than lingling?

2 . Listen to the tape and say.

教学重难点 Be able to compare and describe the 准备 a

differents between two people. recorder

教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I.Warmer 1.Tell the students that you are going to The students have to do what the Prepair for the give them some teacher say. new instructions and they have to do what you lesson. say. Have the students continue the 2.Do many examples activity in pairs. with the class and use the game to revise vocabulary Increase the Make sure that the students can follow pupils happy the instructions while seated. feelings.

II.New teaching 3. before listening 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 two students come to Two students come to the the front of the front of the class .The others This can help the class.Stand them next should say who is taller. practise oral. to each other and say who is taller. Listen to the tape and read after 4. Listen to it. the tape and read Listen to the after it. tape 5. Now have another pairs come to again and again .To the front choose a Compare two students who is competent student and taller/sgoulter/younger/older? increase the have him/her make the compariso pupils; listening n.

4.Do more examples w ith other pairs of students.


Only a few pupils can't say the canversation well .They have to 反思 practise more.

板书设计: Module 5

Unit 1:Amys taller than Lingling.

tall taller 课题

Unit 2:Beijing is bigger than Tianjing.





1.Be able to say:The Changjing River is longer than the Yellow River.

2.Listen to the tape and read after it. Be able to compare and describe two things. 准备 a recorder


教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I.Warmer 1.Play a game :I can play The students have to Pay more attention for with any names,Draw a thing of sentences to circle on the doard.In compare the animals the class. the circle,randomly Each time they say a write the names of some sentence ,they have to animals . go to the board and draw 2.Before doing a line to connect the Practise the pupils Activity1,write the two animals together. following on the abilities of speaking.

board:big fat thin.In a separate group write:high long small. II.New lesson 1.Tell the students IThe students have to m going to call out one say the comparative Be able to learn to abjective and they have form of the word. say the comparative. to call 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 the word. 2.Have the students do Work in pairs. This can have the this activity in pairs. 3.Listen to the tape and Listen to the tape. students help each read after it. 4.Listen to say: The Great wall is older other. The Changjiang River than the Summer is longer than the Yellow Palace.Beijing is River.Mount Qomolangma bigger than Tianjing. To improve the is higher than Mount Tai.

pupils listening

Study atmosphere is very high .Only a few pupils oral English needs 反思 to practies more.


Unit 2:Beijing is bigger than Tianjing.

big bigger

high higher old older long longer

课题 教学目标


Size 课时 综合 1.Be able to say:Is 2 shouter than 1?Yes,it is . 1 is longer than 2.Im taller than xiaoxiao ,etc. 2.Learn to say the poem.

Be able to compare two people or two


things. a recorder


This can go over the

last dialogue.

Im prove the

abilities of


Be able to pronounce the words rightly.

教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 I.Warmer 1.Devide the students into some groups Four Have each syudents students are a group Each

one says a sentence. say one sentence. 2.Work in pairs .Each pairs should prepares a quiz about China using Ask and answer in comparatives. pairs. II.New teaching 1.Get the students to look at the book . Check Have the students they know or remember the words look at the picture

and describe it.

教师活动 学生活动 2.Play the sporken verson Listen to the tape of the poem and get students to tepeat the and repeat the words. 3.While reading out the poem. words do small mimes to help the students understand the meaning. 4.act it out :


This can improve the

students hearing.

Im taller than Have the students sayTo be interested in 5.Play a game Im taller than …” Is older than you? one by one. studying English.

Most of the pupils can say dialogue very well .But someone反思 s pronunciation needs to practise.

板书设计: Size

than 比较级

Im taller than xiaoxiao.

Module 6 Music

教学 重点 难点

Module 6


Unit 1 This girl is good.

课时 新授

1、词:good, better, bad, worse, agree, think.

2A is better/worse than B. think--- Do you agree? Yes, I agree. No, I dont agree.

1good bad 比较级的运用



Unit 1 …………………………………..1课时 Unit 2 …………………………………..1课时 2、多听录音,让学生模仿语音语调。




1. Be able to say:This girl is good .This boy is better than he girl .This picture is bad.This picture is worse.

2. Listen to the tape and repeat the conversation.

In ttoduce some of the irregual comparatives. 准备 a


教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I.Warmer 1.Write the following adjectives at Ask the random on the students what is This can have the board,big,small,good,bad,fat,thin. different about students learn to 2.Get individual students to call goodand badsay some of the out one of the adjectives and you say compared to the irregular the comparative form. other adjectives comparatives. II.New teaching in the list. 1. Write the following comparatives better louder worse Get the students smaller bigger. to work in pairs 2. Listen to the tape and and continue to do tell me the activity.

lisren to the tape From listening to and say out which the tape ,the comparatives they pupils can improve hear. their hearing.

教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 which comparatives they hear. 3.Play the passage once and let the students listen .They should hear listen gagin. both better and worse. 4.Read the conversation together. 5.Devide into some groups Act out This can improve the conversation Read the dialogue the students 6.Point and say.This picture is together. speaking. good,This picture is better.

Work in pairs.

The students can summarize the comparatives tall short old

拓展升华 young strong er big fat thin good bad.

Most of the pupils can say dialogue very well .But someone


s pronunciation needs to practise.

板书设计: Module 6

Unit 1 This girl is good.

good better 课题

课时 拓展 Unit 2:Lingling is better than Daming.

1. Be able to say :Lingling ia better

than daming.

Amy is worse than Sam.Amy is better than Sam.

2.Work in pairs.ask and answer

Compare two persans who is better? 准备 a who is worse? recorder




教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I. W armer 1. On the board write the following Look at the words:pop music,Chinese music jazz. words on the From this ,they 2. I;m going to call out the names blockboard. can improve the of different types of music .If they like class,atmospherthat music,they should stand up. e. II. New

teaching If you like 1. Listen to the tape and point. the 2. Read after the tape. music ,you 3. Put the students into groups of should stand

up To improve the students Listen to the hearing. tape and read after it.

教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 three and get them to look at the bo ok .Have them read the example dialogue in Have the their groups. students read Read after the 4. Listen to the tape again and the example tape the tell me who is better?who is worse? dialogue. students can 5. Play a game :Find out two pupils practice more. act,and the others say who is better? 6. Work in pairs.

Play a The students game :two learn to compare students two persons. act,and other say. Ask and answer in pairs.

拓展升华 The stusents are able to compare other two things .

课后反思 Most of the pupils can say dialogue very well .But someone

s pronunciation needs to practise.


Unit 2:Lingling is better than Daming.

the erhu the zither

the guitar play the drums 课题 Music 课时 综合

2. Be able to ask and answer in pairs:What music do you like?Ilike pop music.


3. Learn to sing a song.

Have the students learn all kinds

教学重难点 准备

of music. a recorder

教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I.warmer . 2. Tell the students Im going to The students have to This can have the call out the names of listen to the teacher students learn about all different types of the carefully , If it is type of music. music.If they like that necessary ,they should music ,they should stand stand up. up. II. teaching 1.I remind the students Read the music on the of the different kinds of blackboard more. music,eg. Pop To learn about all type music,chinese music of music. jazz,dance music. 2.Put the studends into groups of three and get th Have them read the

example dialogue in groups.

教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 m to look at the book. 3.ay the tape and learn to say a song. 4.Work in pairs Have the students look This can improve the What music do you at the words of the students oral English.


I like ……


The students are very interested in instruments .They say the 反思

conversations very well. 板书 设计: Music

Pop music Chinese music

Module 7 Countries

1: Can listen say and read the words of Module 7.

2: Can listen say and read the sentence :Washshington D.C. is the capital of the USA. Its in the east. Beijing is the capital of China. Its in the north. 3: Can listen say read and write the words: east west north south 4: Can listen say and read the text.

5: 能用英语谈论国家、首都、城市及地理方位。

重点:Can listen say and read the words of Module 7.难点:Can listen say and read the sentence :Washshington D.C. is the capital of the USA. Its in the east. Beijing is the capital of China. Its in the north. Can listen say read and write the words: east west north south 1;课时安排:

Unit 1 …………………………………..1课时 Unit 2 …………………………………..1课时 2:多听录音,让学生模仿语音语调。


教学 重点 难点

Module 7

课时 新授

Unit 1:New York is in the east.

1:Be able to say :Washington DC is the capital of the


It's in the east.

2.Be able to workin pairs.

Be able to talk about countries,capitals or cities. a recorder 准备


教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I warmer look at the map of the USA. 1.Show Lead to today's the students a new lesson map of the Learn to say : USA. America 2.If the New York following Washington names are San Fraancisc First have the students not on the the following activity learn about the USA. board,writ e them and indicate the syllables and The students have to say stress. whether it is a city or a country. The students can practise 3.Say their oral English. the words and get the students to repeat them.Make sure to leave the words on the board for.

.New teaching. 1.Call out the names of something and the students have to say whether it is a city or a country.

教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 2.Draw a rough map This can improve the of the pupils' hearing. USAand Listen and read after the tape. mark the places on the map. Work in pairs. 3.Listen This can have the students to the tape help each other. and read after the tape. 4.Ask and answer in pairs:Wher e is New York? It's in the east.

Name of the cities is not easy to say.they are not familiar to America. Do more speaking may inprove the dialogue. Module 7

Unit 1New York is in the east

in the ……(方向)


Module 7 Unit 2 Beijing is the capital

课时 拓展

of China.

1.Be able to say :Beijing is the capital of China.

It's in the north. 2.Be able to work in pairs . 3.listen to the tape .

Be able to know the famous cities in


China or in the USA. a recorder




教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I warmer 1.Sing songs sing Lead to today's 2.freetalk:say something learn to say sth new lesson about America. about America .New teaching. 1. Say the famous cities in China or in the USA and say its students should find direction in out the famous The students can China or in the USA cities in the map and practise their oral its directions. English. 2. Listen to the tape and read after the tape. Listen and read after This can improve the the tape. pupils' hearing.

教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 3.Ask and answer in pairs:Where is This can have the Beijing(Sanya,WashingD.C.,SWork in pairs. students help each anFrancisco)? It's in the other. north.(south,east ,west) Learn to sing a Practise students song. oral English 4.listen and say, then sing.

课后反Thats good.the words about direction is key point and important point.We practise it in our true life , a good way.


Module 7 Unit 2

Beijing is the capital of China.

The name

country language direction

of the city Beijing China Chinese north Sanya China Chinese south WashingtonD.C. America American east San Francisco America American west 课题 Countries 课时 综合

教学目标 1.Be able to work in pairs .

2.listen to the tape and revision.

教学重难点 Be able to know the famous cities 准备

a recorder

教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I warmer 1.Sing songs sing Lead to today's 2.freetalk:say learn to say sth new lesson something about about America countries. .Revision. 2. Say the famous cities in China or students should find in the USA and say its out the famous The students can direction in cities in the map and practise their oral China or in the USA its directions. English. 2. Listen to the tape and Listen and read after This can improve the read after the tape. the tape. pupils' hearing.

教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 3.Ask and answer in pairs:say something This can have the about countries. Work in pairs. students help each other. 4.listen and say, then sing. listen

.Summary Please say

What do you know about Module 7

Practise students oral English

The name of a country,its capital, what do people speak also a

little difficult to the students. Wo should practise it in our daily 反思

life. 板书设计

Module 7 Unit 2

Beijing is the capital of China.

The name

country language direction

of the city Beijing China Chinese north Sanya China Chinese south WashingtonD.C. America American east San Francisco America American west

第八模块 Module 8 Changes

1: Can listen say and read the words of Module 8.

2: Can listen say and read the sentence :They were young .I was two .They werent old then . They were young .

3: Can listen say read and write the words: who hair 4: Can listen say and read the text.

5: 能用英语”was . were”谈论过去的事情和情况。

重点: Can listen say and read the words of Module 8. 难点: Can listen say and read the sentence : They were young . I was two . They werent old then . They were young . 3: Can listen say read and write the words: who hair 1:课时安排:

Unit 1 …………………………………..1课时 Unit 2 …………………………………..1课时 2:多听录音,让学生模仿语音语调。


教学 重点 难点


Module 8 Unit 1 I was two.

课时 新授



1.can use wereor wassay the easy things in the past.

2.Be able to understand the past tense. 3.listen to the tape .

Be able to understand the past

准备 a



教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I warmer Lead to today's 1.Sing the songten little sing new lesson fingers say sentences use 2.freetalk:use wordscute,nice and The students can cute,naughty,clever,cool,nice ect and ectsay the sentences. practise their oral .New teaching. usewereor was 1.take out the say English. old photos when we was young .say sentences. the easy things in T: Please look at this the past. photo.This is me. I was two Be able to then.Please read after me. understand Next take oue the book for page

30.Lets learn the new text. Look at the book the past tense.

教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 2. Listen to the tape and read after the tape. Listen and read This can improve the after the tape. pupils' hearing. practise 1. point the photos and say :Who is……?I was …… 2.Ask and answer in pairs 3.Play a game: introduce your Practise the easy

family in the past.

past tense. Let students Work in pairs. understand Say the sentences the past tense. This can have the

students help each other.

Practise students oral English

Use the picture teach this diaologue is easier. But the past


tense is a little difficult.


Module 8 Unit 1 I was two

Now Past

I am ten was two Parents are old were young . . . . . . . . . 课题

Module 8 Unit 2 They were young.

课时 拓展


教学重难点 教学过程 教师活动 I warmer

1.Be able to say: the easy things in the past and its negative form .

2. Be able to understand the past tense.

Be able to say: the easy things in the past and its negative form . 准备 a recorder



1.Sing songs sing 2.freetalk:say Lead to today's something in the past. understand the past tense. new lesson .New teaching. 1. take out the usewereor wassay old photos when we the easy things in the The students can was young .say past. practise their oral sentences. English. 2.T:I wasnt old then. Read after me ,please. Take out the book Learn to say the easy

things in the past and understand the past its negative form . tense.

教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 3.Listen to the tape and read after the tape. Listen and read after the This can improve the 4.Ask and answer in tape. pupils' hearing. pairs: say sentences about the past tense 5.listen and say, Work in pairs. This can have the then chant. students help each Learn to say the chant other. Practise Show the text and the Act it out chant Practise students

oral English

Do more reading is a good way to practise the past tense.the word 反思 wasnt and werent is not so easy. 板书设计

Module 8 Unit 2 They were young.

old young tall short naughty cute

fat thin

课题 教学目标 教学重难点

Changes 课时 综合 1.Be able to understand the past tense.

2.listen to the tape and learn to say the chant .

Be able to understand the past tense. 准备

a recorder

教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Lead to today's I warmer sing new lesson 1.Sing some songs. say sentences use 2.freetalk:say sth about wordscute,nice and The students can past tense. ect practise their oral usewereor was .New teaching. say English. 1.take out something about past tense. Say the easy things in the sentences in groups. past. Be able to understand 2Next take our the book for page 30. please the past tense. read the text by Look at the book yourself.

教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 3. Listen to the tape and read after the tape. Listen and read after This can improve the the tape. pupils' hearing. practise 2. point the photos and say :Who is……?I was …… 2.Ask and answer in pairs Practise the easy past 3.Play a game: introduce tense. your family in the past. Let students understand

Work in pairs. the past tense. Say the sentences This can have the students help each


Practise students oral English

Some good pupils can read the teo dialogue freely. But others can 反思 not do this. 板书设计


Now Past

am\ is was are were . . .

Module 9 weekend

1、能听懂并运用句型:Did you cook meat yesterday? Yes, I did.\No, I didnt. 能口头运用I helped Mum.等语句说明过去的动作。 2helped maked walked played watched yesterday.能书写单词:phone dance stop last.

3、能初步感受歌谣节奏和单词变成过去式形式后发音的变化。 重点:1)能运用句型“Did you cook……? ”并应答。 2)能口头运用并说明过去的事情。 难点:能口头运用并说明过去的事情。

1、在新授前,借用TPR活动复习本单元要运用到的一些词组,如watch TV play basketball……”等等

2、采用接龙游戏训练句型“Did you cook……? ”并应答。

3、在巩固识别动词: help make walk play watch”的过去式时,可利用卡片,让学生以找朋友的方式进行。

4、操练对话:两人一组,由一人陈述上周末自己做过的事情,另一人当听众,并用“Did you ……”进行询问 Module 9 Unit 1 I helped Mum.

课时 新授

教学 重点 难点


1. Be able to say: the things in the past and its general interrogative sentence.


2. Be able to understand the past tense. 3.listen to the tape .

Be able to say: the things in the

教学重难点 past and its general interrogative 准备 a

sentence. recorder

教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I warmer 1.Sing songs and chant. Sing and say 2.freetalk:say Lead to today's something happened in Practise to say sth new lesson the past. happened in the past. .New teaching. Say something happened Go on to practise the in the past. past tense. students can

T:Now class, understand the past yesterday I helped my Learn to the general tense. mother.Did I help my interrogative mother? Oh,good.Yes,I sentence. did. The students can So,I am a good girl.Yes practise their oral or No? English. 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 2.take out the book ,turn to page 34. Listen and read after This can improve the Listen to the tape the tape. pupils' hearing. and read after the tape. Practise Do homework. 1.do the exercises Practise studentsoral 2.Ask and answer in English pairs:practise the text Work in pairs. 3.show it. 4.play a game Do actions This can have the

students help each other.

Practise students oral English

The past form in this dialogue should do more reading.



Module 9 Unit 1 I helped Mum.

Yesterday I watched TV. My friend…… I My friend 课题

Module 9 Unit 2 Did Dad cook lunch? 课时 拓展 1.Be able to say :Did Dad cook lunch and their general interrogative sentence

2.Be able to work in pairs .

Be able to say :Did Dad cook lunch?


a recorder




教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I warmer 1.Sing songs sing Let the students 2.freetalk:use was and like to learn were say sentences each say anything use English.Lead to today's other. was and were new lesson. .New teaching. 1say something about the past tense. The students can T:Class, yesterday,Mr students go on to learn understand the past Smart cooked noodlesfor the past tense .They tense and practise lunch.Tom helped him.Mum learn to say Yes, he their oral English,too. phoned Grandma. Sam and did. And No, he Amy watched TV. didnt . Did Dad cook lunch? Please read after me. 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图

2. Listen to the tape and Listen and read after This can improve the read after the tape. the tape. pupils' hearing. 3.Ask and answer in work in pairs. This can have the pairs: practise the text students help each in the work groups . Freetalk. other and practise Try to say something Learn to say the their oral English. happened in the past. chant. Summury and Practise students homework . Summury oral English

Learn to say English well

The dialogue is easy .I ask some easy questions in our daily 反思 life.they can use the sentense well. 板书设计

Module 9 Unit 2 Did Dad cook lunch?

Mr Smart Cooked noodles for lunch

Mum Phoned Grangma

Tom Helped father

Sam Watched TV

Amy Watched TV

课题 Weekend 课时 综合

1. Be able to say: the things in the past and its general interrogative sentence.


2. Be able to understand the past tense. 3.learn to say the chant.

Be able to say: the things in the

教学重难点 past and its general interrogative 准备 a recorder


教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I warmer

1.Sing some songs. Sing and say 2.freetalk:say Lead to today's something happened in Practise to say sth new lesson the past. happened in the past. .New teaching. Go on to practise the 1groups work past tense. students can understand What is the past tense? the past tense. How many things do you Learn to the general know about past tense? interrogative Can you say some sentence. The students can sentences abut it? practise their oral English. 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 2.take out the book ,turn to page 34. Listen and read after This can improve the Listen to the tape the tape. pupils' hearing. and read after the tape. 3.learn to say the chant. Practise Do homework. 1.do the exercises Practise studentsoral 2.Ask and answer in English pairs:practise the text Work in pairs. 3.show it. 4.play a game Do actions This can have the

students help each other.

Practise students oral English

The chant is so interesting. From reading it can practise students 反思 ability of reading. 板书设计


Now past

help helped cook cooked walk walked listen listened

talk talked play played

第十模块 Module 10 Accidents

1、能够掌握本模块词汇并能书写单词“ride cold


3、能够口头运用“have got”进行表达: 如:Hes got a stomachache.

4 、能初步感受歌谣:Little Tommy had a horrible cold.中的语音特点。


2、能够口头运用“have got”进行表达: 如:Hes got a stomachache.


2、采用表演形式训练句型“……have (has)got …… 3在巩固识别动词: happen go were buy carry fall off bump have”的过去式时,可利用卡片,让学生以找朋友的方式进行。


教学 重点 难点 课题

Module10 Unit 1 Sam fell off his bike. 课时 新授 1.Be able to say : the things in the past 2.Be able to understand the past tense.

3.Be able to work in pairs and listen to the tape.

Be able to say: the things in the


past a recorder




教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I warmer 1.Sing songs sing 2.freetalk:say learn to say sth Lead to today's something happened in happened in the past. new lesson the past. .New teaching.

1.Say something happened in the past. Go on to practise the students can understand T:Class,yesterday,Sam past tense.Can use the past tense and go on and Daming went for a and,then say to learn the past bike ride .Sam fell something in the past. tense.. off his bike. What happened to Damings head?

Please read after me. 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 2. Listen to the tape Listen and read after This can improve the and read after the tape. the tape. pupils' hearing. 3 Ask and answer in pairs: practise the text The students can in the work groups . Work in pairs. practise their oral Try to say something English. happened in the past. Practise students oral English Summury and homework . Summury Learn to say English


Its an interesing story . students were interesten in it. But 反思 not easy to read. 板书设计

Module 10 Unit1

I am fell off his bike.


went for a bike ride hungry thirsty bought a watermelon catrried it on the bike fell off his bike watermelon bumped Damings head


Module 10 Unit 2 Sam had lots of

课时 拓展

chocolate biscuits.

1.Be able to say : the things in the past 2.Be able to understand the past tense.

3.Be able to work in pairs and listen to the tape.

Be able to say: the things in the


past a recorder




教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I warmer 1.Sing songs sing 2.freetalk:say learn to say sth Lead to today's something happened in happened in the past. new lesson the past. .New teaching. 1.Say something happened in the past. Go on to practise the students can understand T:Class,today,Sam has past tense.Can use the past tense and go on got a stomachache.Daming headache, to learn the past has got a stomachache. stomachache tense.. Amy has got a headache. fever say Lingling has got a fever. something in the past. Why?

What happened to them?

Please read after me. 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 2. Listen to the tape Listen and read after This can improve the and read after the tape. the tape. pupils' hearing. 3 Ask and answer in pairs: practise the text in the work groups . Work in pairs. The students can Try to say something practise their oral happened in the past. English. practise their oral Practise students oral Summury and homework . English. English

Learn to say English well

So many words about illness. Students can express it. 反思 板书设计

Module 10 Unit 2

Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits.

headache stomachache fever 课题 Accidents 课时 综合

1.Be able to say : the things in the past

教学目标 2.Be able to understand the past tense.

3.Learn to say the chant

教学重难点 Be able to say: the things in the past 准备 a


教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 I warmer 1.Sing some songs. sing 2.freetalk:say learn to say sth Lead to today's something happened in happened in the past. new lesson the past. .New teaching. 1. Class ,last week we Learn the chant students can learn some things about understand the past accidents.This tense and go on to learn time well revive Listen to the tape. the past tense.. them. From this ,lets learn the chant



Please listen to the tape. 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 2. Listen to text Listen and read after the This can improve the again . tape. pupils' hearing. 3 Ask and answer in pairs: practise the text in the work Work in pairs. The students can groups . practise their oral Try to say something English. happened in the past. practise their oral Practise students English. oral English Summury and homework .


Learn to say English well

I must admire the past tense is a difficult points to all the 反思 students. I hope then can understand it and use it freely. 板书设计 Accidents

fall off fell off

Review Module


1. Go over the conten of the whole book.

2. Complete each activity and each practice to

consolidate the knowledge learnt this term.

3. Be able to use all kinds of drills and conversation. Have the students complete each activity



教具 tape-recorder

pictures Use all kinds of drills and dialogue.

Step 1: Warmer

1. Put the students into groups of four or five.

Tell them to think of all the words they know for write down the Each of these categories: countries, clothes, ideas of the sports, jobs group. 2. Only one student in each group needs to write down the ideas of the group. 3. Now get the students to read out their ideas and put the words under each category. Step 2: Do activities in the book. 1. Have a game : Do and answer. Before starting the game do a quick brainstorm. 2. Tell the students that the teacher is going to call out a category and the students have to think of all the things they know in that category. 3. Dont write the answers on the board because this is just a quick brainstorm to refresh their refresh their memories. memories. Examples : T: Sports. S: Football, tennis, basketball, table tennis, volleyball. T: Jobs. S: Teacher, doctor, nurse, taxi driver, bus driver, dancer. T: Cities. S: Beijing, London, New York. 4. Continue like this: very quickly revise the categories before starting the activity. Then the students have to play in groups. 5. On the board write down the following categories: number, colour, country, subject, month, food, toy, day, sport 6. Now tell the students to work in pairs. One student has to say an item from one of the categories and the other student has to say the category. work in pairs Examples : S1; Red. S2: Colour. S1: Noodles. S2: Food. 7. Get the students to continue like this. It revise lots of will give them lots of practice and help them revise words. lots of words. Step 3 : Summarize this module

Tell the students they review the content of the whole book from this module. Step 4: Homework

Write a letter to Oscar and tell him what you did and what you didnt do yesterday.


Football, tennis, basketball, table tennis, volleyball.


Teacher, doctor, nurse, taxi driver, bus driver, dancer.


Beijing, London, New York.

Students can mast the words and sentences. But no freely.
