
时间:2022-04-26 05:31:17 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1Entering the room I found the walls newly-painted(对) 我走进房间时,发现墙壁油漆一新。

Entering the roomthe first thing that met eyes was the newly-painted walls(错) 2Badly wounded the soldier was sent to hospital at once(对)

Badly woundedwe sent the soldier to hospital at once(错) 3Being very busyI could not afford the time to go to the cinema(对)


Being very busythe film tickets were given to others(错) 4Led by the Partywe are making great progress in our work(对)

Led by the Partygreat progress in our work is being made(错) 5Written in hastethe letter had some mistakes(对)

Written in hastehe made some mistakes in the letter(错)

6Running after each other in the streetthe two boys were knocked down by a bike(对)

Running after each other in the streeta bike knocked down the two boys(错)

但在实际语言中,时常可以遇到分词或分词短语作状语时,其逻辑主语与整个句子的主语不一致的现象,但整个句子的语法结构又是正确的情况,尤其是在科技作品和英美文学品中很为普遍,这种分词在语法上称为游离分词(unattached participle)或称为无关分词unrelated participle或称为悬垂分词dangling participle下面就来谈谈能够成立的情形:


1The professor entered the labhis students following him(伴随状况) 那位教授走进实验室,学生们在后面跟着。 2A few seconds laterhe was looking at the screen again with the machinery turned on随状况)


3The day being very wetMary wore her new mackintosh(原因状语) 因为这天是阴雨天气,玛丽穿上她的新雨衣。

4The authorities having arrived and taken the seats reserved for themthe ceremony began(时间状语)

在负责人到达并在为他们保留的座位上就座以后,典礼就开始了。 5Weather permittingthe ship will leave the harbour at dawn(条件状语) 如果天气不错的话,船将在黎明时离港。 6He lay on his backhis knees drawn up(方式状语) 他蜷着腿,仰面躺着。


1Judging from his appearancehe looks like an old doctor

2Strictly speakingher pronunciation is not quite good

3Taken as a wholethere is nothing wrong with the article 总地来说,这篇文章没有什么问题。

4Looking at the question objectivelywhat he said is something believable

frankly speaking 老实地说,坦率地说 generally speaking 一般地说 strictly speaking 严格地说 properly speaking 确切地说来

talking or taken one with another 总地看来 taken as a whole 总地来说


1He couldn't attend the meeting owing to illness 他因病没能出席会议。

2According to the textplease answer the following questions

3The boy did quite well considering the circumstances

4Regarding the casehe knew nothing

admitting thatconjconfessing that,承认) assuming thatconjif,假定)

barringprepexcept,除……以外,除非) consideringprepin view ofhaving regard of.鉴于,就……而论) concerningprepabout,关于)

exceptingprep.&conjleaving outexcluding -often after notalwayswithout,除……之外,包括) failingprepin default ofin the absence of.若缺少……时,如果没有) owing toprepbecause ofon account of,因为……,由于……) providing provided thatconjon condition that,假若,倘使) regardingprepwith reference toabout,关于,有关)

seeing thatconjin view of the fact thatconsidering鉴于……的事实,由……的缘故)



1Seeing her health sinking rapidlyalarm seized her father's heart 她父亲看到她的健康状况急剧恶化,非常惊慌。seeing的逻辑主语是heart的定语herfather

2His summer holidays were spent in the countrysidehelping the farmers with their work 他在乡下度过暑假,假期中帮助农民干活。helping的逻辑主语是holiday的定语his 3Running to schoola terrible thought struck her 跑到学校时,她突然产生了一个可怕的念头。running的逻辑主语是struck的宾语her 注:

1若逻辑主语在句中根本没有出现,以上下文推测,常为泛指人称代词weyou one等。如:

Facing norththere is a large mountain on the right


The bus was held up by the snowstorm thus causing the delay

First of allthis difficult problem has to be tackledthus enabling us to proceed to the others


1Ideas can be expressed completely usingsimple sentence 用简单的句子也可以表示出完整的意思来。using的逻辑主语包含在by[没有写出来]之中)

2Knowing as much as you dothe situation is easily explained 像你这样了解情况,很容易解释这一局面。knowing的逻辑主语包含在by[没有写出来]之中)



1It rained hard coming back.回来时雨下得很大。 coming的逻辑主语显然不是句子的主语it

2It was quite hot getting up this morning.今天早晨起床时,天气非常热。 getting up的逻辑主语显然不是句子的主语it

