考研英语小作文让你推荐一本书或电影范文 《老人与海》 Dear Members, We are planning to hold a reading session for all the bibliophilists. I am writing the letter to recommend a book to all. From where I stand, the book "The Old Man and the Sea” is worth reading for at least two virtues as follows. On the one hand, Hemingway, well known for his terse yet powerful style, unfolds to us a marvelous story with unparalleled linguistic deftness that few of us can possibly resist. More importantly, the novel glorifies man's courage in the face of adversity, so inspiring a quality as to cast light on every desperate soul in search of a way out. It is far from enough to talk at length about the merits of the masterpiece in one letter, so I strongly advise you to read it.I am sure you will like it. Yours faithfully, Li Ming 亲爱的会员们: 我们计划为所有爱书人士举办一个读书俱乐部。在此我向大家推荐一 本书。 我认为,(老人与海》这本书非常值得一读,它至少有两个优点。其一,海明威以他标志性的冷峻简洁却又充满力量的风格,向我们展示了一个扣人心弦的故事。其语言凝结老道,让人欲罢不能。更重要的是,该小说歌颂了人在面对逆境时的勇气,这种品质非常振奋人心,它给所有上下求索的人带来光芒。 篇幅有限,我在这封信里面无法详细论述这部杰作的优点,所以强烈推荐你们阅读此书。我相信你们一定会喜欢这本书的。 此致 李明 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8c242ada7dd5360cba1aa8114431b90d6d858960.html