快乐的一天英语作文 为了庆祝三八妇女节,妈妈的学校决定去杭州临安的天目山玩。妈妈还说带上我一起去,听了这消息我高兴极了。 In order to celebrate Women's day, my mother's school decided to go to Tianmu Mountain in Lin'an, Hangzhou. My mother also said that she would take me with her. I am very happy to hear the news. 早上,我们起床了,看看闹钟已经七点二十五分了,本来说好的时间是七点十五分,我们马上下楼。车子早已在下面了,我们马上向大家陪不是。在路上大家有说有笑,很快就到了目的地。那里的风景可美了,花儿好像正在向我招手微笑,湖水好像一面明亮的大镜子。我们开始登山了,到半山腰,我对妈妈说:“妈妈,我不行了。”妈妈说:“不要放弃,坚持就是胜利!” In the morning, we got up and saw that the alarm clock was 7:25. It was supposed to be 7:15, so we went downstairs immediately. The car is already below. We'll accompany you right away. On the way, everyone talked and laughed, and soon arrived at the destination. The scenery there is beautiful. The flowers seem to wave and smile at me. The lake is like a bright mirror. We began to climb. Halfway up the mountain, I said to my mother, "Mom, I can't do it." Mom said, "don't give up, persistence is victory!" 后来,我终于爬到山顶了。今天玩的很累,但今天是快乐的一天。 Later, I finally climbed to the top of the mountain. I am very tired today, but today is a happy day. 第 1 页 共 1 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8c4f53a9cf22bcd126fff705cc17552707225e9a.html