
时间:2023-01-11 13:01:14 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Guarantee Letter

兹本公司现委托深圳市xxxxxx物流有限公司办理OCS快件业务,付款方式为运单上列明的收件人付款或指定的第三方付款 (最终以本公司所填的OCS运单为依据) 现本公司向贵公司申明如货物出口后收件人或指定的第三方付款人以任何理由拒付相关的运费、偏远地区附加费、关税及燃油附加费等,本公司在接到贵公司的通知之日起15日内无条件按《OCS中国公布价》全额承付所有的费用。包括:运费、关税、偏远地区附加费、当日出口OCS互联网公布的燃油附加费等。如不能及时处理,愿意承担一切因催收所产生诉讼费、律师费等相关费用。此保函发件日起一年有效。

Our company consign Shenzhen Tuoweibaishunda Cargo Forwarding International Co., Ltd for delivering express and packages(OCS waybill filled by our company will be the final evidence). The charges will be billed to receiver or the appointed third party as selected on the waybill. We declare that if the receiver of the appointed third party refuses to pay the relative freight, extended area surcharges, duty, fuel surcharges and so on for any reason since the exporting of the shipment, we agree to pay all of the relevant charges according to OCS China Service Rate unconditionally within 15 days since we receive the notification, including freight, duty, extended area surcharges, fuel surcharges at the spot time. The extra charge including legal cost and other charges will be billed to the shipper due to shippers delay. The validity is One year since the exportation of the shipment.


This letter also cover the circumstances as follow:

1 由于所运货物无法在进口国家海关清关而拒付的;

a. Reversal of charges due to failure of customs clearance in destination country 2 由于收件人地址错误导致不能派送而拒付的;

b. Reversal of charges due to failure for delivery according to a wrong address provided by the shipper. 3 由于到付国家发生动乱、罢工、自然灾害等不可抗力而拒付的;

c. Reversal of charges due to riots, strikes, natural disasters or act of god in the destination country 4 由于收件人拒收货物而拒付的;

d. Reversal of charges due to receivers refusal of the shipment

5 收件人签收货物并不等于已经付款,如收件人最终拒付的,承运方无义务为发件人追讨已签收货物; e. Receiving of shipments does not mean payment made. The carrier has no obligation to replevy the

delivered shipment if the charges are finally reversed 6 承运方无义务向发件人说明相关费用。

f. The carrier has no obligation to explain the relative charges to the shipper. 7 接受OCS背书条款的所有内容。

g. We accept all the terms and conditions listed on the back of a OCS waybill


Coverage: 多次使用

Multiple shipments



公司名称: Company: 章:

Company Stamp:

人: Representitive: 日期: Date:
