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帮他奶奶做家务的英文 help his grandmother with the housework 做家务 do housework

do housework的例句 1. the old couple have no one to do housework; they have to fend for themselves. 没有人为两位老人做家务; 他们得自己照顾自己. 2. she doesn't like to do housework. 她不愿意做家务.

3. she likes to do housework than homework. 她宁择做家务,也不愿做作业.

4. aunt harriet lived in that leisurely age when servants were employed to do housework.

哈丽特生活在一个悠闲的年代,家务事都由雇来的佣人代劳. 5. mother has arranged that you should stay at home and do housework.


6. i also ready to help your parents do housework, reduce their burden.

同时我也准备好好地帮助父母做家务活, 减轻他们的负担.


7. ther are maids and cooks, so don't need to do housework. 那里有阿姨和厨师, 她们什么家务都不必要干. 8. why should i do housework? 我凭什么要做家务?

9. i often do housework and read books. 我通常做家务活和看书.

10. joanne: i really don't like to do housework. i would rather do anything than clean house.

: 我实在不喜欢做家事. 叫我做什么事都可以,就是不要叫我打扫房子.

关于帮忙的英文例句 help; give a hand; lend a hand; do a favour

1. if there's anything i could do for him, i would. 如果需要我帮他做点什么,我会帮忙的。

2. jim gardened at the homes of friends on weekends. 吉姆周末帮忙打理朋友家的花园。

3. if the bank is unhelpful take it up with the ombudsman. 银行要是不肯帮忙,就去找申诉专员。

4. i helped out in the tents fetching and carrying. 我在帐篷里帮忙打杂。

5. ben suffered a heart attack and helen rushed to his assistance.



6. i got roped in to help with the timekeeping. 我被拉来帮忙计时。

7. visitors were roped in for potato picking and harvesting.


8. i am flattered that they should be so supportive. 他们这么帮忙,我深感荣幸。

9. he digs potatoes and helps with the sheep dipping. 他挖土豆并帮忙给羊群洗药浴。

10. her parents could help with child care while she works.

