精品 CD21 CD35 CD23 S-100 CD34 CD31 S-100 LCA cytokeratins desmin EMA CD45 D2-40 CD68 CD1a Ki-67 CD56 CD4 CD11c CD14 CD20 vimentin Lysozyme, podoplanin, claudin clusterin (丛生蛋白) HLA-DR The cells were immunopsitive for CD21, CD35, CD23, S-100, CD34, CD31, S-100; Leucocyte common antigen, and H uman leukocyte antigen-DR were also positive in some cells. CD4 CD11c CD14 CD45 CD68 HLA-DR EMA CD21, CD45, leukocyte common antigen, S100, CD23, CD35, CD1a, desmin, and cytokeratins. The tumour cells showed positive immunohistochemical staining for CD23 and vimentin(波形蛋白), and negative staining for cytokeratin, LCA, S100, CD31, CD34, HMB-45 and desmin. 结蛋白 -可编辑- 精品 滤泡树突状细胞肿瘤/肉瘤 流行病学 在英文文献中仅有56例被证实,其中24例发生在淋巴结外,包括:肝、腹膜、胰腺周围区域、扁桃体、硬腭、喉、甲状腺、肺、软组织和乳腺。 组织病理学 其特征与肿瘤侵袭进展相关,包括凝固性坏死、核不典型性及核分裂相>5/10HPF。 免疫组化:百分比根据文献总结得出。 CD21 CD35 神经生长因子受体 EMA CD1a CD3 CD20 CD45(LCA) CD68(KP-1) S-100 HMB-45 Bcl-2 Cam5.2 AE1/3 SMA Desmin(D33) vimentin 鉴别诊断 1、 纤维母细胞性网状细胞肉瘤:表达desmin,SMA和cytokeratins。 2、 交错(指)突网状细胞肉瘤:表达CD45RB、S-100和CD1a。 3、 炎性假瘤 预后 95% 95% 90% 1/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 -可编辑- 精品 低度恶性肉瘤大约有一半病例复发,25%发生转移。45例中有7例死于肉瘤。 -可编辑- 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8da9d8fabc64783e0912a21614791711cc79798e.html