中国诗歌英译之《甄嬛传》中出现的诗词翻译 《甄嬛传》中出现的诗词翻译:《梅花》崔道融 原句:逆风如解意,容易莫摧残(甄嬛大年夜在倚梅园祈福时念的诗) 数萼初含雪,孤标画本难。 Flake on petals, plum blossoms no one can render, 香中别有韵,清极不知寒。 Exuding charming scent and not resigned to winter. 横笛和愁听,斜枝倚病看。 Their twigs look askew, as if worn from sickness, 逆风如解意,容易莫摧残。 If wind sees their strong will, let such ordeal cease. 《甄嬛传》中出现的诗词翻译:《画菊》 郑思肖 原句:宁可枝头抱香死,何曾吹落北风中(眉庄喜欢菊花的气节) 出处:《画菊》 宋郑思肖 花开不并百花丛, Not grown among the riotous profusion of flowers, 独立疏篱趣无穷。 But between hedges that stand weak and sparse. 宁可枝头抱香死, Daisies would die with scent clinging to twigs, 何曾吹落北风中。 Rather than fall into air and go with flows. 《甄嬛传》中出现的诗词翻译:《夜雨寄北》--李商隐 原句:何当共剪西窗烛(甄嬛下床剪蜡烛) 出处:《夜雨寄北》--李商隐 掌握英语从听开始,海量免费英语资料尽在普特英语听力网 君问归期未有期, You ask when I shall return, 巴山夜雨涨秋池。 With water, the pond will brim soon. 何当共剪西窗烛, I long to trim candle wick with you, 却话巴山夜雨时。 And sit awhile amid the drizzle of rain. 《甄嬛传》中出现的诗词翻译:《赏牡丹》 刘禹锡 原句:牡丹芍药之争(甄嬛在华妃面前为皇后娘娘挣回面子) 出处:《赏牡丹》唐刘禹锡 庭前芍药妖无格, Wild peonies grow with exuberant colors, 池上芙蓉净少情。 Pond lotuses are pure and free of passions. 惟有牡丹真国色, Only red peonies epitomize the essence of beauty, 花开时节动京城。 Whose blooming presence decorates Peking City. 《甄嬛传》中出现的诗词翻译:《金缕衣》杜秋娘 原句:《金缕衣》(甄嬛助安陵容首次争宠) 出处:《金缕衣》--唐.杜秋娘 劝君莫惜金缕衣, Revel not in material, fleeting mirth, 劝君惜取少年时。 Never idle away prime days of youth. 花开堪折直须折, Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, (选自Robert Herrick的同名诗歌,巧合!) 掌握英语从听开始,海量免费英语资料尽在普特英语听力网 本文来源: