
时间:2022-05-23 05:44:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

谁说高性能,高功率的汽车就一定不利于环保,这一概念将逐渐被淘汰,本届法兰克福国际车展就发出了这样的信号。德国老牌豪华跑车制造商保时捷总裁魏德金自豪地说“由于采用了先进的技术,保时捷跑车在保证高性能的同时,极大减少了废气排放量。保时捷依赖于技术革新,也是德国业内同行的引擎。 但在有关欧盟委员会计划制定的限制欧盟内部新车二氧化碳排放量的争执议题上,魏德金却公开表示反对,也因此尤为引人关注。在德国汽车制造业有口皆碑的保时捷总裁魏德金(55岁)是出名的"常胜将军",担任总裁14年,在国际汽车制造业首屈一指。魏德金15岁丧父,是家中长子,那年最小的弟弟年仅两岁。魏德金当时发誓,尽早完成学业,开拓自己的事业。大学求学期间,魏德金就成立了自己的房地产公司,30岁时已赚到一百万。可以说,魏德金的人生旅途带有几分传奇色彩,而经历和感受魏德金则使人了解了笼罩在光环背后的付出和不易。采访魏德金是在本届法兰克福车展前的媒体开放日上,地点是保时捷展台二层的隔离间中。 英译中

You can follow examples. Or you can leave your own tracks. The 911 Turbo concept.

On the moon. At the North Pole. In the deepest jungle. There isn’t one place where someone hasn’t already been and opened up new territory, raised the flag and written history.

So where should we place ourselves? Behind the predecessors? We would certainly get there. With a familiar solution. With something that works. But can we go further? The answer is obvious. And it takes courage. The courage to take new routes which question what was once cast in stone. Where others give up, that’s where our engineers begin. Only then will the future be more than just the next page of the calendar.

With the 911 Turbo it has tradition. The tradition of leaving the beaten path. Like in 1974 not a good time to start developing a super sports car. Oil crisis and economists dictating puritanical thrift in the car industry. What was a sports car manufacturer to do? One option: ignore the needs of the moment and go for maximum power. Or another option: follow the specified route.

In Zuffenhausen we analysed both scenarios and then took a third route: optimising cost and benefits, the Porsche way. Getting the most out of available resources, adding power and increasing efficiency. The result was the 911 Turbo. At the Paris motor show, people shook their heads at first. They had to take a closer look to find out that there was actually more than raw power hiding behind the 191 kW (260 hp). Under the hood: where, with six cylinders and 3-litre displacement, they found a small, compact engine which, despite its relatively small displacement, had a surprising amount of power to give. Head shaking turned to appreciation. It quickly became clear that the Turbo was going to be a reference for sports cars which was a challenge for our engineers because the bar was set high. And with every generation, we have to raise it a bit higher.

Unrealistic. Much too idealistic, you might say. We have to admit that we never fail to be surprised by the answers our development centre comes up with.
