
时间:2022-12-30 08:05:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

一、 单词:

Christmas圣诞节 Western西方的 holiday假日 special特殊的 Santa 诞老人merry快乐 bring带来 give gift礼物 card卡片 excited 高兴地 find找到 star星星 something 某东西 open打开 soon不久 then然后 done好了 born出生 wise聪明的 grow生长 into follow跟随 shine闪烁 Jesus耶稣 ask whisper小声说 lantern touch check today tomorrow yesterday昨天 song歌曲 carols赞歌 toy玩具 invite 邀请 light thing 东西 tree sky 天空 ago以前 get得到 house 房子 二、 短语:

On a holiday在节日那天 Western holiday西方节日

Christmas tree圣诞树 Christmas lights圣诞灯 Merry Christmas圣诞快乐 so beautiful如此漂亮 bringfor…给某人带来某物 bring gifts带来礼物 special songs特殊的歌曲 Christmas songs圣诞歌曲 have fun玩的开心 Christmas cards圣诞卡片 bus stop公共汽车站 the card with…卡片上面有… be get ready for为某事做准备 put up建立,装扮 help with …在某方面帮助某人 department store百货商店 Christmas gifts圣诞礼物 see you soon一会见

something special 特殊的东西 on the tree在树上 on top 在顶端 under the tree在树下 at Christmas 在圣诞节

take pictures 照相 sendto…把某物寄给某人something Chinese中国东西 inviteto+动原 邀请某人干某事 would like to+动原 喜欢干某事

Its fun to+动原 干某事很有趣giveto 把…给… askto+动原 让某人做某事 help+动原 帮助某人干某事 buyfor…买某物给某人teachto+ 教某人做某事

三、 动词的过去式:

walkwalked eatate bringbrought带来 helphelped帮助 buybought shineshone闪烁 seesaw看见givegave teachtaught putput arewere() wantwanted想要 askasked dodid playplayed getgot得到likeliked喜欢gowentinviteinvited openopened know-knew am\iswas are-were

词形变化: they(宾格)them wonderful(同义词)great gift(同义词)present knew(同音词)new buy(同音词)by bye fun(形容词)funny shop(现分)shopping give(现分)giving follow(现分)following bring(现分) bringing

I would(缩写)Id


1. Whats this ? 这是什么?

This is a Christmas tree . 这是一棵圣诞树。 2.What are these?这些事什么?

These are Christmas lights on our house. 这些圣诞灯在我们的房子上。 3.Who is Santa? 谁是圣诞老人?

He is a merry man in red clothes. 他是一个快乐的男人穿着红衣服。 4.Children say he brings toys on Christmas. 孩子们说他会带来礼物。 5.What do you do on Christmas? 你们在圣诞节做什么?

1We invite our family and friends to our house. 我们要请假人和朋友来我家。

2We give our family and friends gifts. 我们给家人和朋友礼物。 3We sing Christmas songs. 我们唱圣诞歌。 6.They bring gifts for us. 他们给我们带来了礼物。

7.Whats Christmas?什么是圣诞节?Its a Western holiday.它是一个西方的节日。

8.When is Christmas? Its December 25. 圣诞节时什么时候?1225日。 9.Yesterday Danny walked to school. 昨天,丹尼步行去上学。 10. Danny often walks to the bus stop. 丹尼经常步行去车站。 11. I am going to bring a star for the tree. 我打算给树带来星星。

12. We write Christmas cards to our friends and family.我们给家人写圣诞卡片。 13. Do you want to send a card? Sure. 你想寄一张贺卡吗?当然。 14. Lets find a card with Santa. 让我们找到有圣诞老人的卡片。

15.Jennys family is getting ready for the Christmas holiday.詹妮的家人正在准备圣诞节。

16. The star always goes on top! 星星总是在顶部。

17.What are you going to do tomorrow? 明天你们将要做什么?

Tomorrow we are going to put up the Christmas tree.明天我们将要装扮圣诞树。

18.What are Danny and Li Ming doing?丹妮和李明在做什么?

Danny and Li Ming are shopping for Christmas gifts.丹尼和李明正在买圣诞礼物。

19. What do you want to buy? 你想买什么?

I want to buy something for my family for Christmas.我想给我的家人买些礼物。 20. I am going to give them something special from china for their Christmas tree. 为了他们的圣诞树,我打算送给他们从中国寄来的特殊礼物。 21. What would like for Christmas? I would like a big,new car. 圣诞节你想要什么礼物? 我想要一辆新的小汽车。 22. I know what I would like. 我知道我想要什么。
