建立业务关系的函电通常包括以下五个部分的内容 一、指明自己如何获知对方的资料和信息(如从本国驻外国使馆商务参赞处、商会、商务办事处、或经某一银行或其他公司和机构介绍,或者是来自大众传媒、展览会上认识等) 1. Having obtained/had your name and adress from……(Commercial Counselor’s office of our Embassy in your country 从……(我国驻贵国使馆商务参赞处)得知贵公司的名称及地址。 2. On the recommended to us by……(Mr Zhang, CEO of China’s import and export co,ltd) 由谁(中国进出口贸易有限公司总经理,王先生)推荐给我们…… 3. Your name was given to us by…… 4. We have learned from……(The internet, our local newspaper) We are writing to you to see if we can establish/enter into long-term business relation with you. 2. We wish to express our desire to enter into business relationship with you 3. In order to expand our products into South America, we are writing to you to seek cooperation possibilities. 三、概括介绍自己的公司 主要包括对公司性质、业务范围、宗旨等基本情况的介绍以及公司某些相对优势的介绍,如贸易经验丰富、供货渠道稳定,销售渠道广泛等。 1.We are a leading company with many year’s experience in machinery export business. 我公司在机械类产品出口领域处于领先地位,有多年的出口经验。 2.We are one of the leading importers/exporters engaged in 我们是……行业进口商/出口商的排头兵。 3.We are one of the representative importers/exporters in the line of 我们是……行业的代表。 4.We are enjoying an excellent/high reputation in the circle of textile 我公司在纺织品行业圈内享有很高的信誉。 四、简要介绍一些自己公司的产品 在较为明确对方需求时,可以选择特定产品、进行具体的推荐性介绍;否则,通常只介绍公司产品的整体情况,如对质量标准、价格水平、销售情况等作笼统介绍,并附上目录、报价单或另寄参考样品等也是公司常采取的做法。 1. Article No.76 is our newly launched one with superb quality, fashionable design, and competitive price. 76号商品是我公司新开发的产品,其质量优良、设计时尚、并且价格公道。 2. We have a good variety of colors and sizes to meet your different needs. 我公司产品,颜色、规格齐全,一定能满足您的不同需求。 3.Our product have enjoyed a high reputation/popularity in Asian market. 我们公司的产品在东亚市场享有很高的声誉/极受欢迎。 4.To give you a general idea of our products, we are enclosing our catalogue for your reference. 为让贵公司能对我公司产品有一个大概的了解,我们随附了产品目录以供参考。 五、激励性结尾 作为建立业务关系的商业促销信函,在结尾部分,通常都会写上希望对方给予回应或劝服对方立即采取行动(如询价,递盘等)的语句。 1. We are looking forward to your earlier reply/receving your reply. 我们期待你的早日回复。 2. We would appreciated your early reply. 你的早日回复我们将不胜感激! 3.We are looking forward to your specific inquiries. 从……(因特网、我们当地的报纸)得知。 二、介绍致函的目的 一般出口商主动联系进口商,总是以扩大交易地区及对象、建立长期业务关系、拓展产品销路等位目的。 1. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/9073113183c4bb4cf7ecd1e5.html