
时间:2022-09-05 07:07:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


I have been one acquainted with the night. I have walked out in rain --and back in rain. I have outwalked the furthest city light. I have looked down the saddest city lane. I have passed by the watchman on his beat And dropped my eyes, unwilling to eplain. I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet When far away an interrupted cry Came over houses from another street, But not to call me back or say good-bye; And further still at an unearthly height One luminary clock against the sky

Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right. I have been one acquainted with the night. 我以为我早就熟悉这黑夜。 我冒雨出去,又冒雨回来。 我已越出街灯照亮的边界。 我看到城中的小巷最悲惨。 我经过敲更的守夜人身边, 我不愿多讲,低垂下眼帘。 我停住,脚步再也听不见, 从另一条街升起越过屋顶 传来一声好似折断的哭喊, 那不是叫我回去或说再见; 在更远、远离尘世的高处, 有一座钟悬着,一闪一闪,

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它宣称时间不错又不正确, 我以为我早就熟悉这黑夜。 经典英语短诗:黑水塘

At Blackwater Pond the tossed waters have settled after a night of rain. I dip my cupped hands. I drink a long time. It tastes

like stone, leaves, fire. It falls cold into my body, waking the bones. I hear them deep inside me, whispering oh what is that beautiful thing that just happened? 雨下了一整夜

黑水塘沸腾的水平静下来。 我掬了一捧。慢慢 饮下。它的味道


灌进我体内,惊醒了骨头。我听见他们 在我身体深处,窃窃私语 哦,这转瞬即逝的美妙之物 究竟是什么? 经典英语短诗赏析

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