精品教案设计资料 八年级上册英语单词表Unit7(人教版) тUnit 7 Will people have robots? paper['pe瑟p蓹r] 绾?pollution [p蓹'lu藧蕛n] 姹℃煋锛涙薄鏌撶墿 prediction[pr瑟'd瑟k蕛n]棰勬祴 future ['fju藧t蕛蓹r] 藧t] 姹℃煋 environment [瑟n'va瑟r蓹nm蓹nt] 屾槦 earth[蓽藧r胃] n.鍦扮悆锛涙偿鍦?plant [pl忙nt] pollute[p蓹'lu planet ['pl忙n瑟t] 琛?part [pUnit7锛堜汉鏁欑増锛? 锟斤拷藧rt] 鍙傚姞锛岄儴鍒?peace [pi藧s]鍜屽钩 sky[ska瑟] 澶╃┖ play a part 鍙備笌 astronaut['忙str蓹n蓴藧t] 瀹囪埅鍛?apartment[蓹'p锟斤拷藧rtm蓹nt] rocket ['r锟斤拷藧k瑟t] ?space[spe瑟s] .绌洪棿锛涘お绌?even['i藧vn] 鐢氳嚦锛涙剤鍔?human ['hju藧m蓹n] 浜虹殑锛?n.浜猴紱浜虹被 servant['s蓽藧rv蓹nt] 浠嗕汉 dangerous ['de瑟nd蕭蓹r蓹s] 鍗遍櫓鐨?already[蓴藧l'redi]宸茬粡 factory['f忙ktri] 宸ュ巶 believe [b瑟'li藧v] 鐩镐俊 disagree [藢d瑟s蓹'锟斤拷ri藧]涓嶅悓鎰?shape [蕛e瑟p] 褰㈢姸 fall [f蓴藧l] 锟斤拷藧b蓹bli] 澶ф?possible ['p锟斤拷藧s蓹bl] ?probably ['pr堝彲鑳?holiday ['h锟斤拷藧l蓹de瑟] ?over and over again 鍋囨棩 word [w蓽藧rd] 鍗曡瘝锛?space station hundreds of down 锛涘ぇ閲忥紱 鎴愮櫨涓婂崈 fall look for ? 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/90ecef058f9951e79b89680203d8ce2f01666542.html