
时间:2022-09-05 18:02:27 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载




Cherish water, love water, save water, start from me. 2、节约用水、造福人类,利在当代、功在千秋。

Save water, benefit mankind, benefit in contemporary, the achievement is in the autumn. 3、水是生命的源泉、工业的血液、城市的命脉。

Water is the source of life, the blood of industry, the lifeblood of the city. 4、珍惜水就是珍惜您的生命。

To cherish water is to cherish your life. 5、请珍惜每一滴水。

Please cherish every drop of water.


The world is short of water, China is short of water, the city is short of water, please save water.


It is a shame to waste water and to save water. 8、水是不可替代的宝贵资源。

Water is an irreplaceable precious resource. 9、今天不节水,明天无泪流。 No water today, no tears tomorrow.


Seventy percent of the human body is water, saving water and respecting life. 11、节约用水,请从身边做起。 Save water. Start by yourself.

12、每天节约一滴水,难时拥有太平洋。 Save a drop of water every day. 13、水是一切生命的`起源点。 Water is the origin of all life.


Water is the blood of nature, destroying the water is equal to the pollution of its own blood!


Contain a drop of water, return a true love!

1.Water conservation is an important measure to implement the strategy of sustainable development.


2.For mankind and your own life, please cherish every drop of water!


3.It is a pity to lose when you have it.Please cherish every drop of water. 拥有时不知珍惜,失去时方觉可惜。--请珍惜每一滴水。

4. Conscientiously implement the policy of "combining open source and throttling, and focusing on throttling".


5. There is no water in a week.One year without water, the country loses;How about a hundred years without water?

一周无水,人则虚;一年无水,则国损;百年无水,将如何? 6. The hot water in the blast furnace is consumed. 高炉热水煤炭耗,珍惜热水莫乱倒。

7.Water is the source of life. Please cherish every drop of water. 水是生命之源,请珍惜每一滴水。

8.Water is the source of life, the lifeblood of agriculture, the blood of industry! 水是生命的源泉、农业的命脉、工业的血液!

9, the mountain is not high, the water narrow is not deep. 山锐则不高,水狭则不深。 10, save water, waste shame. 节约用水,浪费可耻。

11. Set up everyone to cherish the water, everyone saves water good fashion! 树立人人珍惜水,人人节约水的良好风尚!

12.The new bath will be crowned, and the new bath will shake the garment. 新沐者必弹冠,新浴者必振衣。

13.Please move your hands and close the faucet. 请动一下手,关好水龙头。

14. The bath does not need to be jianghai, to the scale;Horses do not need to be steed. 浴不必江海,要之去垢;马不必骐骥,要之善走。

15. Pool side: don't let the lost water become the tears of future generations. 水池边:不要让流失的水成为后人的泪。
