
时间:2022-09-05 18:02:33 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
Family water-saving tips:

1. Clean cooking utensils, cutlery, if the oil is overweight, can first paper

wipe greasy dirt, then rinse.

2. Use water from washing rice, noodle soup, tea table for cleaning, can

go to the oil, to save water and detergent pollution.

3. Wash dirt or grease many places, can be the first to use used tea bag

( red and dry ) with a little mature oil dirty smear, then with detergent cloth, easy decontamination.

4. When washing vegetables, not under the tap directly into the water

container cleaning, as far as possible, and to adjust the cleaning sequence, such as: the first on the skin peeled off the mud, vegetables, and then cleaning; cleaning of leaf, fruit vegetable, then washing vegetables.

5. Do not have water to help the thawing food.

6. With a boiled egg instead of a caldron water to boil an egg.

Personal cleansing water:

1. Wash, wash, brush your teeth when not leading always open, should

intermittent discharge. Such as: wash hands, wash should be closed when the leading soap, when brushing the teeth, in a cup of water, turn off the faucet.

2. Brushing, and hand sanitizer, using soap to turn off the faucet; do not

use the toilet flush butt and broken fine waste; potato washing, radish and other should peel first after cleaning; are water, such as the need to open the door, answer the telephone should be timely to shut off the water.

3. Reduce the number of each bath, bath, control of water, about 1/3 of

the water tub.

4. The collection for preheating the release of water, used for washing


5. Do not spray water from first to last as much as possible to open,

from head to foot wet, systemic application of soap scrub, the final rinse clean;

6. When bathing, standing in a collecting container, the collection of

used water for flushing the toilet, or rub. Not a long time opening nozzle, should first wet body and hair, and then close the nozzle, and the use of soap and shampoo, the last cleaning.

7. The use of capable of stepping regulating water size water-saving



1、清洗炊具、餐具时,如果油污过重,可以先用纸擦去油污,然后进行冲洗。 2、用洗米水、煮面汤、过夜茶清洗碗筷,可以去油,节省用水量和洗洁精的污染。



4、清洗蔬菜时,不要在水龙头下直接进行清洗,尽量放入到盛水容器中,并调整清洗顺序,如:可以先对有皮的蔬菜进行去皮、去泥,然后再进行清洗;先清洗叶类、果类蔬菜,然后清洗根茎类蔬菜。 5、不用水来帮助解冻食品。 6、用煮蛋器取代用一大锅水来煮蛋。


1、洗手、洗脸、刷牙时不要将龙头始终打开,应该间断性放水。如:洗手、洗脸时应在打肥皂时关闭龙头,刷牙时,应在杯子接满水后,关闭龙头。 2、刷牙、取洗手液、抹肥皂时要及时关掉水龙头;不要用抽水马桶冲掉烟头和碎细废物;洗土豆、萝卜等应先削皮后清洗;正在用水时,如需开门、接电话应及时关水。

3、减少盆浴次数,每次盆浴时,控制放水量,约三分之一浴盆的水即可。 4、收集为预热所放出的清水,用于清洗衣物。



