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【期刊名称】《济宁学院学报》 【年(),期】2012(000)002

【摘 要】Kressvan Leeuwen提出的视觉语法理论框架为指导,对电影《唐山大地震》的宣传海报进行了系统分析,旨在研究一则电影宣传海报语篇的再现意义、互动意义和构图意义是如何实现的,并且三者是如何在同一多模态语篇中协同一致、互相照应和彼此增强从而更好地构建语篇的整体意义的。从而验证了以社会符号学理论为基础的多模态话语分析理论对分析电影海报语篇的可行性和可操作性。%The present article analyzes a multimodal text of the film poster of the film After Shock systematically,from three perspectives,namely representation,interaction and composition within the visual grammar theoretical framework,which is the social semiotic approach to multimodal discourse proposed by Kress and Van Leeuwen.The present article attempts to explore how the representational meaning,international meaning and compositional meaning are realized in a film poster and how they cooperate with each other,work in concert with each other,and heighten each other in one multimodal discourse in order to construct the total meaning of this multimodal discourse.The applicability and advantages of multimodal discourse analysis theory based on the theory of social semiotics in film poster analysis are explored. 【总页数】5(P35-39)

【作 者】袁艳艳;张德禄

【作者单位】中国海洋大学外国语学院,山东青岛266100;同济大学外国语学院,200092 【正文语种】 【中图分类】H030 【相关文献】

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3.多模态语篇整体意义构建的社会符号学分析——以中国国家大剧院为例 [J], 丽莉;曹旭;王澍

4.社会符号学视角下的多模态广告语篇分析 [J], 韩蜀君

5.儿童绘本中的图、文、音——基于系统功能多模态语篇研究及社会符号学理论的分析 [J], 周俐

