逆流成河 || Sorrows I Recall 词曲:廖伟志 原唱:金南玲 译配:覃 军 演唱:苏小艾 斑驳的夜色 在说什么 Every time when it comes to nightfall 谁能告诉我 如何选择 Who can tell how to make a right choice 每当我想起 分离时刻 Whenever think of that day you left 悲伤就逆流成河 Sorrow’s what I can recall 你给的温暖 属于谁呢 You once held my heart then you forget 谁又会在乎 我是谁呢 Tell me now who cares we’ve ever met 每当我想起 你的选择 Whenever think of our days before 悲伤就逆流成河 Sorrow’s what I can recall ——间奏—— 失去了你也 是种获得 Losing all your love I long for more 一个人孤单 未尝不可 I try not to be lonely and bored 每当我深夜 辗转反侧 Whenever in bed I toss and turn 悲伤就逆流成河 Sorrow’s what I can recall 离开你也是 一种快乐 To forget seems to make me cheerful 没人说一定 非爱不可 Make not care whether you love or not 想问你双手 是否温热 Whenever think of you took my hand 悲伤就逆流成河 Sorrow’s what I can recall 我想是因为 我太天真 Fool and innocent I’ve ever been 难过是因为 我太认真 That makes me suffer makes love in vain 每当我想起 你的眼神 Whenever think of your eyes before 悲伤就逆流成河 Sorrow’s what I can recall 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/93a99869ce84b9d528ea81c758f5f61fb7362882.html