英语作文 对比经验知识和书本知识 Experience Is the Best Teacher

时间:2023-12-01 10:14:24 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
Experience Is the Best Teacher

Admittedly,books have been being considered a very important way to gain knowledge for a long time,especially in China.Thus learning from books is highly valued and thats the reason why our own examination system









years.Nevertheless,from my point of view,gaining knowledge from experience is more significant than from books.

There is no doubt that learning from books is one of the most prevailing means in our growth of knowledge.Almost all the people in the world attach great significance to the study and research of books in the long learning career because its wider in range and deeper in contents compared with learning from experience.After all,the knowledge from books is far more abundant than those we acquire through the experience of life.And on the other hand,learning from books breaks the limitation of time and space restriction in a sense.

However,I do believe that one learn best from doing.As the proverb goes,knowledge starts with practice.If we just keep learning book knowledge all along without any practice,then we are at most only learn some useless knowledge.Ever since ancient times,we Chinese have paid much attention to the summary of experience,which made the ancients create a large number of great inventions and become well-known around the ancient world.Many great achievements of foreign scientists,such as

gravity theory of Newton,steam engine of Watt and so on,were also based on the summary of previous experience.Whats more,we will never learn to play basketball,play the piano,repair car or speak foreign language by reading books.Those knowledge may all be contained in books but if we do not apply it to practical life we will never have a good command of it.Maybe we sometimes make mistakes,whereas actually the experience from mistakes and failures enables us to make a breakthrough in most cases.That is to say,learning knowledge from experience is an extremely important and efficient way for study in our daily life,even the book,to some extent,is also a product that summarize experience.The knowledge from books ,therefore,is only auxiliary and we must combine it with practical experience to achieve the best effect.

In a word,knowledge gained from books and knowledge gained from experience are just like peoples hands and learning from experience is the dominant hand.Anyhow,we ought to become good at summarizing experience to learn some knowledge while having a enough understanding of knowledge from books.Only in this way can we definitely say that we grasp the true knowledge.
