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【期刊名称】语文学刊(外语教育教学) 【年(),期】2012(000)005

【摘 要】The Bible is the foundation document for two global religions,that is,Judaism and Christianity.It functions as the source of many cultures.And as the world economy globalized,so do the cultures of different

nations.The biblical knowledge not only shapes the lives of the majority of the westerners,but also more or less influences peoples beliefs and behaviors in the rest of the world.Therefore,it is necessary for us to be aware of the biblical knowledge and dig deep down into the source of the language under the context of the culture,so as to understand their custom,enjoy their humor,accept the final destination of our fate and respect their beliefs and way of life.And my paper mainly focuses on some examples,which turn out to be more interesting and meaningful under the biblical interpretation and add spice to our life.Moreover,the sensitivity to the biblical knowledge of a foreign language and culture may enable us to get a better command of the language and thus participate in a more effective and enjoyable communication with foreigners.%圣经作为全球两大宗教犹太教和基督教的经籍,是诸多文化的源泉。随着经济全球化,不同国家的文化也亦然。圣经文化不仅影响着大多数西方人的文化生活,而且开始影响着世界其他国家人民的生活看法和行为。因此,我们有必要了解圣经知识,挖掘在该文化背景下

的语言源泉,以期更好地理解他们的习俗,分享他们的幽默,接受人类的命运及目的地,尊重他们的信仰和生活方式。本文主要集中利用圣经知识来理解生活中的一些有趣而又被赋予意义的故事,为我们的生活增添不少趣味。并且,了解一门外语及其文化的圣经方面的知识,能够有助于我们更好地驾驭这门语言,因此也可以促进我们与外国人进行更有效和有趣味的交流。 【总页数】3(P99-101) 【作 者】李华平

【作者单位】同济大学浙江学院,浙江嘉兴314000 【正文语种】 【中图分类】G04 【相关文献】


