有关寒假的几个英语小知识问答 FAQ’s on Winter Vacation

时间:2022-09-20 07:05:36 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
FAQ’s on Winter Vacation Essay Question 1.

Which months are considered to be of Winter?


Winter generally consists of around three months of the calendar, which in that particular area/country records the lowest temperatures. In the Northern Hemisphere, the months of December, January, and February are considered to be in the winter. In the Southern Hemisphere, the months of June, July, and August correspond the same.

Question 2.

The coldest temperatures recorded in which country?


In terms of lowest temperature, Russia is considered the coldest country in the world, with the lowest temperature, recorded being -67.8 degrees Celsius (which is equal to -90 degrees Fahrenheit).

Question 3.

What is frost, and how is it different from the snow?


Both snow and frost are indeed formed from water vapor in the air at

freezing temperatures. But the difference is that frost is formed closer to the ground and on solid surfaces, whereas snow is formed in the high atmosphere around tiny suspended particles.

Question 4.

What is the temperature required for snowing?


It is observed and assessed that it will not snow unless the ground temperature is less than five degrees Celsius i.e., forty-one degrees Fahrenheit. Also, other aspects play in the formation of snow other than just low temperatures.
