罗汉果的英语是什么 汉语解释:罗汉果,葫芦科多年生藤本植物的果实。 别名拉汗果、假苦瓜、光果木鳖、金不换、罗汉表、裸龟巴,被人们誉为“神仙果”,其叶心形,雌雄异株,夏季开花,秋天结果。那么,你知道罗汉果的英语是什么吗? 中文: 罗汉果 罗汉果的英语释义: [植] Momordica grosvenori 罗汉果的英语例句: 以罗汉果为主要原料研制罗汉果植物保健饮料。 Momordica grosvenori swingle was used as the main raw material to develop a health herbal beverage. 罗汉果的英语是什么 高效液相色谱-电喷雾质谱联用法分析罗汉果皂甙 Study on Analysis of Mogrosides by HPLC/ESI/MS~2 罗汉果甜苷的止咳祛痰作用研究 Functional study of natural food sweetener mogrosides 欢迎到我们xango网站,在解释xango,罗汉果为基础的饮料。 Welcome to our XanGo website, explaining XanGo, a mangosteen-based everage. 罗汉果(所示)是一个水果来自东南亚。Itisnotbeconfustedwiththecommonplacemango. Mangosteen (shown above) is a fruit from southeast Asia. 1. Objective : To investigate the cellular immunological effect of mogrosides in the mice. 目的: 观察罗汉果甜甙对小鼠细胞免疫功能的调节作用. 2. Antioxidant capacities of total flavones in Siraitia grosvenori leaves extracts ofphosphomolybdenum complex method. 采用磷钼络合物法研究了罗汉果叶总黄酮提取物的抗氧化能力. 3. Study on normal human body sugar and liver enzymes changes affected by oral mogrosides intake. 研究一次大剂量服用罗汉果甜苷对人体血糖含量与肝酶活性的影响. 4. Siraitia grosvenor i was nutrient, sweety which had some medical and healthyfunction. 罗汉果营养丰富, 有一定的药效保健功能和较高的甜度. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/96ad8e12f22d2af90242a8956bec0975f465a421.html