数值模拟在沂水铁矿区地下水环境影响评价中的应用 周晓雪;付佳妮;刘建霞;孙建明 【期刊名称】《山东国土资源》 【年(卷),期】2013(29)9 【摘 要】地下水数值模拟在矿区地下水环境评价中应用较少,通过对山东沂水铁矿矿区进行水文地质详细勘察,建立了尾矿库及矿区地下水水流及水质数学模型,预测和评价了该矿建设实施过程中对地下水环境可能造成的直接影响和间接危害。结论为矿山建设阶段和运行阶段正常情况下,尾矿区水位水质变化对地下水环境没有明显的影响,非正常情况或者事故状态下,预测污染因子在泄漏点附近一定范围出现超标现象;采矿区矿井排水对当地浅层地下水位影响较大。针对这种影响和危害提出防治措施,为沂水铁矿建设项目选址决策、工程设计和环境管理提供科学依据。%Application of numerical simulation of groundwater is seldom used in environmental impact as-sessment of groundwater in mining area .Through detailed investigation of hydrogeology in Yishui iron mine in Shandong province ,groundwater flow and water quality mathematical model of tailings and mining area have been established ,and some possible direct and indirect harms to groundwater environment have been predicted and evaluated in the process of mine construction .It is regarded that under the normal cir-cumstances of mine construction period and the operational period ,water level and water quality in tail mine have no significant effects to groundwater environment .Under the circumstances of abnormal condi-tions or under accident conditions ,it is predicated that contamination factors will exceed the standard in some areas near leaking points , w hile drainage in mining areas has significant effects to local shallow groundwater level .Pointing to these impacts and dangers ,some corresponding control measures have been put forward to provide a scientific basis for location decisions ,engineering design and environmental man-agement of Yishui iron deposit construction project . 【总页数】6页(P48-52,56) 【作 者】周晓雪;付佳妮;刘建霞;孙建明 【作者单位】青岛地质工程勘察院,山东青岛,266071;青岛地质工程勘察院,山东青岛,266071;青岛地质工程勘察院,山东青岛,266071;青岛地质工程勘察院,山东青岛,266071 【正文语种】中 文 【中图分类】X820.3 【相关文献】 1.数值模拟在地下水环境影响评价中的应用——以某焦化项目为例 [J], 李艳兵;赵丰昌 2.数值模拟在矿山开采项目地下水环境影响评价中的应用 [J], 刘勇 3.基于GMS的数值模拟在某化工园地下水环境影响评价中的应用 [J], 吴鹏飞;彭展;陈小婷 4.数值模拟法在地下水环境影响评价中的应用 [J], 刘伟;胡华敏 5.数值模拟在地下水环境影响评价中的应用——以某氯化法钛白粉项目为例 [J], 杨易;裴建全;张雄 因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/96d3c1b7971ea76e58fafab069dc5022aaea4628.html