本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑,页眉双击删除即可。 7、Do you think you could adapt to the life in Germany? aps审核常见问题 APS审核面试常见问题 APS为Advance Photo System的缩写,中文名为:先进摄影系统。下面就由为大家介绍一下APS审核面试常见问题的文章,欢迎阅读。 APS审核面试常见问题篇1 1、Is there any Special Product in your hometown? 你的家乡有什么特产? 2、What are your interests in the spare time (off-hour)? 你的家乡有什么特产? 3、How long have you leant the German? 你学德语学多长时间了?(最好回答学了多长时间而不是多少学时) 4、Which province is your hometown? 你的家乡在哪个省? 5、Do you have siblings? (brothers or sisters) 你有兄弟姐妹吗? 6、What is your impression of Germany? 你对德国有什么印象? 你觉得你能适应在德国的生活吗? 8、Do you have any friend or relative in Germany could help you solve the problems? 你有朋友、亲戚在德国可以帮助你解决问题吗?(不要回答有亲戚在德国, 可回答有同学在德国学习) 9、What is your understanding to Germany in fields of polotical\economic\cultural\geography? 你对德国有什么了解?(政治、经济、文化、地理方面) 10、How are you aware of the Germany information? 你了解过德国的信息吗?从哪里了解的? APS审核面试常见问题篇2 1、What are your education in detail? 你受过哪些教育? 2、When and where do you take these education? 你什么时候在哪里上的这些学校? 第 1 页 共 3 页 本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑,页眉双击删除即可。 3、How long have you studied in your college\university now? subjects now? 你上大学上了多长时间? 4、Have you graduated now? 你已经毕业了吗? 5、What is your profession? 你的专业是什么? 你认为你学的这些学业对你将来有帮助吗? 4、Could you make a brief introduction to your professional? 你能简短介绍下你所学的专业吗? 5、What is the main point in your professional? 你所学专业的重点是什么? 6、Why do you want interrupt your studying course in China? 6、What do you learn from your professional? 你为什么想中断在中国的学业? 7、Can you explain your occupation experience in China? 你能讲述一下你在中国职业经历吗? APS审核面试常见问题篇3 1、Have you taken part in any internships\practice? 你参加过实习吗? 2、Which subject are you interested in firstly? 你对什么科目最感兴趣? 你在这个专业学到了什么? 7、You already have one occupation in China, why do you want go to Germany? 你在中国已经有工作了,为什么还去德国? 8、What is the topic of your graduated thesis? 你的毕业论文题目是什么? 9、Could you make an introduction to your graduation thesis? 你能给我介绍下你的毕业论文吗? 3、Do you think there is any help to your future by the profession 10、What is the framework in your graduated design? 第 2 页 共 3 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/96f04f5bab956bec0975f46527d3240c8447a172.html