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⑴其中要双写:大(big)、红(red)、湿(wet)、热(hot)、悲(sad)、胖(fat)、瘦(thin)、健康的fit ⑵注意: slowlymore slowlymost slowly

friendlyfriendlier/more friendlyfriendliest/most friendly clevercleverer/more clevercleverest/most clever 2.不规则变化:

much/many -more-most little-less-least

good/well-better-best bad/badly/ill- worse-worst far-farther-farthest (更远些) old-older-oldest(更大些) -further-furthest(更深入) -elder-eldest(年长些)


1.只能修饰原级的词 very, quite, pretty, really, too, so, enough :I am pretty ____________(healthy). English is so _______________(difficult).

2.感叹句中用原级。 What an _______________(interesting) book! 3.as+形容词/副词原级+as(与一样)

not as/so +形容词/副词原级+asA不如B

:He is as tall as me.=He is the same _________ as me. 他与我一样高。 He is as old as me.= He is the same ___________ as me. 他与我一样大。 He isn't as/so old as me . 他没我大。

4.less+形容词/副词的原级+ than (A 不如B) 能够与 not as/so +形容词/副词原级+as互换。

He isn't as old as I.=He is __________ ____________than me. =He is __________ than me. =I'm ____________ than he /him.

He doesn't run as fast as I.= He runs ____________ __________ than me.

= He runs ______ ______ than me. = I run _________ than him. 他跑得没我快。

Chinese isn't as difficult as English. =English is _______ _______ than Chinese. 语文没有英语难。


1. than 两者(人/物)进行比较时用比较级,表示“一个比另一个更”或“较。句式为:

A+ 谓语动词+比较级+than+B。如果上下文明确,比较级也可单独使用。 He is ____________(tall) than his father . 他比他父亲高。

This shirt is too small. Do you have a ___________(big) one?这件衬衣太小了。你有大一些的吗?

2.or 句式:特殊疑问句,A or B

如: Who is ________________(young), Lucy or Lily? 露西和莉莉,谁更小一些?

3.修饰比较级的词: a lot, much, far 得多 a little,a bit一点儿 even 甚至 still 仍然 not any more=no more不再(次数的不再重复) not any longer=no longer不再(时间的不再延长) 如:①I'm a little ____________(tall) than him. 我比他高一点。

That must be a lot _________________(interesting) than taking a bus.

4.of the two 比较级前要加the

the + 比较级+ of the two (the twins/parents) 特指两者中较(高/……)的一个。

Tina is ____________(tall) of the twins. Mike is ____________(smart) of the two boys.

5.比较级+and+比较级 表示“越来越

单音节词: better and better 越来越好 多音节词: more and more beautiful He is getting ___________ and ___________(tall).他变得越来越高了。

The film is ___________ and __________________(interesting).这部电影越来越有趣了。

6.the +比较级,the+ 比较级 表示“越,越

The more, the better.越多越好。

The _________________(careful)you are, the _______________(few) mistakes you make.

7.any (范围外)/ any other(范围内)

Shanghai is bigger than ____________ city in China.上海比中国的任何一个城市都要大。 Shanghai is bigger than _________ city in Japanese.上海比日本的任何一个城市都要大。


He has longer hair than I (do).= His hair is longer than mine. There are more students in our class than in their class.

My watch is _____________(expensive)than ___________(you).我的手表比你的贵。 I have ____________(few) story books than ____________(you).我的故事书比你的少。


1.of /in 三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级,形容词的最高级前面要加the,后面用of/in. of + 同类人/ in+ 表地点的范围 副词的最高级前面可用the也可省略。 Tom is the tallest (boy) in his class. 汤姆是他班上最高的男生。 Tom is the tallest (boy) of all the boys (in his class).

2.or which/who 引导的选择疑问句有三者相比,也可用最高级。

Which is ________________(big),the sun, the earth or the moon?太阳、地球、月亮,哪个最大? Who is_________________(tall), Tom, Mike or John?

3.one of the longest rivers 最长的河流之一

句式:one of +the + 形容词的最高级+名词复数,表示“……中最……之一” 如:Xi'an is one of the oldest cities in China. 西安是中国最古老的城市之一。

4.the second longest river 第二长的河

句式: the + 序数词+ 形容词的最高级+名词,表示“第几……的” 如:The Yellow River is the second ______________(long) river in China.

5.my best friend 我最好的朋友


如:This is my best book of all.这是我所有书中最好的一本。



This room is five times as big as that one. =This room is four times bigger than that one.

English isn't so easy as math. = English is _________ ___________ than math. =English is ___________ than math.=English is __________ __________ than math. =Math is ___________ than English. 2.比较级与最高级的转换

句式:① 比较级+than+any other +单数名词

比较级+than+the other +复数名词 比较级+than+the others Nobody else +比较级+ than

Peter is the tallest student in our class.

=Peter is taller than ________ ________ _________ in our class. =Peter is taller than ________ ________ _________ in our class. =Peter is taller than ________ ________ in our class. =____________ ____________ is taller than Peter in our class.


less than three days 不到三天

more than three days = over three days 超过三天
