在 读 证 明 兹证明XXX(姓名), X(性别),出生年月:XXXX年XX月XX日。于XXXX年9月录取进入我校XXXX学院XXXX专业学习,学制X年,现为硕士/博士研究生X年级学生,学号为XXXXXXXX。我校是被中华人民共和国教育部认可的全日制高等学校。 学院审核人签章: 研究生院培养办公室 二○ 年 月 日 二○ 年 月 日 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that xxx(name), male/female, born on xx(date)xx(month), xx(year), was enrolled in the School of xxx of Southwest Jiaotong University since September xxxx(year), majoring in xx. The length of schooling is xx years. Currently, he/she is in first(second, third)year of her/his Master/Ph.D program. His/Her Student ID NO. is xxx. Southwest Jiaotong University is a full-time accredited school for higher education approved by Education Ministry of the People’s Republic of China. Graduate School Southwest Jiaotong University Date of Certification: xx(month), xxxx(year) 《在读证明》填写说明 1. 《在读证明》填写完毕并学院盖章后,提交到研究生培养办审核盖章;《在读证明》英文部分请到研究生院综合办公室盖章。 2. 3. 学制:请查询《西南交通大学研究生工作手册》中《西注意英文年月日的正确表达方式。 南交通大学研究生学籍管理规定》,不得擅自更改。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/98613f8a316c1eb91a37f111f18583d049640f8a.html