用study online造句子 Nowadays,with the development of technology,people can do a lot of things through computers.Some people can work at home because they can manipulate the business by Internet.In the developed countries,a new form of study has been carried out,many young people choose to study online. 如今,随着技术的发展,人们可以通过电脑做很多事情。有些人可以在家里工作,因为他们可以通过网络操作业务。在发达国家,一种新的学习方式已经开始实施,许多年轻人选择在网上学习。 On the one hand,studying online can save people a lot of time.For some people,the school is so far away from their home,it takes a long time to go to school.If they study online,they don't need to spend the time on the road,they just click on the button and then the knowledge is presented. 一方面,网上学习可以节省人们很多时间。对一些人来说,学校是如此远离家园,走到学校需要很长的时间。如果他们在线学习,不需要花时间在路上,他们只需要点击按钮,然后知识就会呈现在眼前。 On the other hand,studying online also saves a lot of money.Without the large spend on the education and the fees on other sides,many families struggle to pay for their children's educational cost.Studying online costs little,even for free.It provides a good way for some people who want to learn knowledge while without enough money. 另一方面,网上学习也可以节省很多钱。不用花大把钱在教育和其他方面的费用,很多家庭难以支付孩子的教育费用。在线学习成本小,甚至免费。对于一些想学习知识但是没有足够钱的人,它提供了一种很好的学习方式。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/987dde376ddb6f1aff00bed5b9f3f90f76c64d24.html