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· yell

· v. [jel] ( yells; yelled; yelling ) · · 双解释义

· vi. 号叫,呼喊 utter a loud sharp cry or cries as of pain, excitement, etc. · vt. & vi. 喊出,大声说出 say in a yelling voice · 基本要点

1.yell的基本意思是“号叫,叫喊”,指由于某种心理因素,如苦恼、惊恐、高兴或疼痛等原因而发出喊叫声,或故意提高嗓音以使别人听清自己的话,即“大声说”。 2.yell可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后多接名词作宾语。

· 词汇搭配


yell a command 大声下命令 yell defiance 大声抗议 yell oath 大声宣誓 yell a warning 高声警告 +副词

yell loud 大声叫

yell clamorously 吵吵闹闹地大叫着 yell demoniacally 疯狂地叫喊着 yell enthusiastically 热情地狂呼着 yell exultantly 兴高采烈地高叫着 yell fiendishly 恶魔似地喊叫着

yell fiercely 猛烈地喊叫着 yell furiously 狂怒地喊叫着

yell mockinglytauntingly 嘲笑地喊叫着 yell stridently 刺耳地尖叫着

yell triumphantlyviciously 胜利地欢呼着 yell violently 强烈地喊叫着 yell off 高喊 yell out 大声叫 yell up 叫过来

· 常用短语

yell off(v.+adv.) 高喊 shout loudly yell one's head off

Will you boys stop yelling your head off just outside my window!你们这些男孩不要在我窗外高声喊叫好不好!

yell out(v.+adv.) 喊出 shout (sth)

〔说明〕 yell off常不用于进行体。 yell out

He yelled out in pain.他疼得大叫。

She yelled out for help, but no one came.她高呼救命,可是没有人来。 yell sthout

Just in time, he yelled out a warning.他及时地呼喊起来,发出了警告。 He yelled out an order.他大声发布命令。

· 句型例句

用作不及物动词 ▲S+~(+A)

Stop yelling, can't you?别嚷了行吗?

This gave them a chance to yell.这给了他们大声喊叫的机会。

The crowd yelled when the hometown team scored a touchdown.当他们自己的队得了底线分时,人群高声呼喊起来。

The lost man yelled, hoping someone in the woods would hear him.迷路的人大声喊着,希望林子里会有人听见。

He yelled with fright.他惊恐得大声喊叫。 用作及物动词 ▲S+~+n./pron.

They yelled the oath.他们大声宣誓。 He yelled his defiance.他大声抗议。 He yells a command.他大声下达命令。

They yelled their goodbyes when the bus left.汽车开动时,他们大喊再见。

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