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Party A :

Party B :


Party A: _______ Address: ________

Party B: _________ Address: ________

Both parties of Party A and Party B have sig ned the Tran slati on

Service Con tract based on the prin ciple developme nt. The articles are as follows:

1. Party A en trusts Party B with the tran slati on service. Party A

shall provide legible docume nts in time and give clear requireme nts and con trol the tran slatio n quality of Party B.

2. Party B shall complete the tran slati on work in time and deliver

the tran slati on by prin ted hard copy and a releva nt disk withi n the agreed date

of frie ndly cooperati on and mutual

(with the exception of the delay caused by Force Majeure) . Details about the

delivery time will be discussed betwee n the two parties. For the urge nt request , the delivery time will be discussed accord in gly betwee n the two parties.

3. Party B shall keep con fide ntiality of any docume nts provided by

Party A and can not disclose to the third party.

4. Calculation of the load of translation:

For electronic documents,

the tran slati on load shall be based on the statistics of the computer

(Chinese Version Word2000 Chinese characters not including

spaces ) . For printed documents


, the translation load shall be

(the original


calculated according to lines of Chinese characters copy), i.e. lines x rows.

5. Party B will charge the tran slati on project from Party A with

favorable price: For En glish-Chi nese RMB

/ _________ Chin ese characters

and marks (More than _________ Chinese characters and marks ).
