
时间:2022-05-23 21:23:22 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载




( ) 1.A. zoo ( ) 2.A. write ( ) 3.A. ball ( ) 4.A. shoes ( ) 5.A. behind

B.moon B. read B. wall B. cap B. kind

C. pool C. climb C. small C. glasses C. cupboard


( ) ( )

( )

( )

( )


Where shirt can orange fly

1. The monkey can’t _____. 2. Jim______ climb.

3. ______ are my shoes, Mary?

4. My sisters bag is ______. 5. Look at the _______. Its yellow.


( )

( )

( )

( )

( )



1. read a letter write in English

2. It’s in your hand, behind you.


( ) 1.A. behind ( ) 2.A. where ( ) 3.A. read ( ) 4.A. write ( ) 5.A. that

B. book

C. on C. green C.cupboard C. this

B.how C. cap

B. brown B. climb B. glasses


( ) 1.Can you ? A. swim A. is

B. swims B. can B. is B. in B. in

C. swimming C. cant C. am C. at C. on

( ) 2.Alice can sing. She dance.

( ) 3.--- Where my glasses? --- They are in the bed. A. are A. on A. at

( ) 4.Can you write English?

( ) 5.---Where’s my new cap? --- Its your head.


1..The bird can fly. A. 2. They can swim. B. 3. Jimmy can climb C.

4. She can write.


5. He can read. E.


1.my blue Where shirt is ?

2. Can for you write a letter me ?

3. girl The behind is tree the .

4. you swim Can ?

5.is cat under The chair the .

十、连线,从B栏中选出与A栏相一致的中文。( 10)

A. B.

1.a new cupboard你很忙。


2. in English

3. He can write. 4. You are busy.

5. a pair of shoes他会写字。


Wr t



. .

一双鞋 用英语 一个新柜橱

gl __ ss __s

cl __mb

sw __ m r __ __ d





( ) 1. A. wood ( ) 2.A. kite ( ) 3. A. make ( ) 4.A. pie

B. book B.write B. work

C. cook C. cake C. bake C. mess C. spray

B. piano B. away

( ) 5.A. play


( ) 1.A. What are they doing? ( ) 2.A. Im making a mess.

B. What are you doing?

B. Im baking a cake. B. Peter is drawing a bird. B. Are you making a kite? B. He is reading.

( ) 3.A. Dino is drawing a fish. ( ) 4.A. Are you making a pie? ( ) 5.A. She is writing.

三、听音,与句子内容相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×” (10)

( )1.Annes mother is sweeping. ( )2. Lingling is sleeping. ( )3. Bill is drawing. ( )4. Are you making a kite? ( )5. What is he doing?


Alice playing mess mother cooking

1.Linda is . 2.Are you the piano? 3. Dongdong is making a . 4. Annes is sweeping. 5. is reading a book.


五、用正确的格式抄写下列词组和句子。10分) 1. a piano making a mess

2. Is Peter’s mother cooking?


1. playing the pi n 2. sl ping 3. b king a c ke

4. m king a k te 5. p nting

七、找出下列每组单词中不同类的一个,将其代号填入括号里。10分) ( ) 1.A. make ( ) 2.A. sleep ( ) 3.A. pie

B. read

C. kite

C. sweeping C. mess C. brother

B. cooking B. paint B. write

( ) 4.A. mother ( ) 5.A. on

B. in C.are


( ) 1. Lingling is playing ___ piano.

A. 不填 B. an C. the ( ) 2. Can you write in English? Yes, _____. A. I am B. I can C. I cant ( ) 3. Mingming is making ___ mess. A. an B. a C. the ( ) 4. Marys bother ______.

A. sleeping B. is sleeping C. sleep ( ) 5. ___ you baking a cake?

A. Are B. Is C. Am 九、请为下列问句选择正确的答语。10分) ( )1. Are you baking a cake?

A. I am painting.

( )2. Where are my new glasses? ( )3. Is Lingling writing? ( )4. What are you doing?

B. Yes, I am.

C. Yes, I can.

D. They are on your head. E. Yes, she is.

( )5. Can you write in English?

十、连词成句,注意标点符号和字母的大小写。5分) 1. book is reading Dongdong a

. 2. you What doing are ?

3. Peters is working father .

4. making Are you amess ?

5. am playing piano the I .



ckoo wrko


Today is a holiday. Peter is writing.Peters mother is cooking. Peters brother is sleeping.Linging is painting. Anne is reading. Annes mother is sweeping.Whats Dino doing?He is playing the piano. ( )1. Peter is reading.

( )2. Annes mother is sweeping . ( )3. Today is a holiday. ( )4. Dino is swimming.




一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。10分) ( )1. A. bake B. name C.dance ( )2. A. busy B. hop C. swim ( )3. A. empty B. come C. new ( )4. A. paint B. work C.walk ( )5. A. letter B. holiday C.boy



hopping going doing Where boys

1. Whats the girl _______?

2. _______ are your sister and brother? 3. Anne is ______ to the bedroom.

4.Peter is .

5. The _____ are playing basketball.

Ⅳ、听音,选出你所听到句子的正确答语,将代号填入括号内10分) ( ) 1.A. Yes, she is. ( ) 2.A. He is dancing.

B. Yes, I am. B. Its a tiger B. He is sleeping. B. She is my sister. B. I’m going to school.

( ) 3.A. I’m making a kite ( ) 4.A. She is skipping.

( ) 5.A. She is in the school.



1.They are playing basketball

2. Where are you going?


( )1. A. come B. go ( )2.跳绳A. dance B. skip ( )3. 跳舞A. jump B. dance ( )4. 那个女孩在干什么?

A. Whats the boy doing? B. Wheres the girl doing? ( )5. 我去学校。

A. I’m going to school. B. The school is empty.


( ) 1.A. this B.dog C. cat

( )2.A. painting ( ) 3.A. your ( ) 4.A. where ( ) 5.A.pen

B. sleep B. she

C. doing C. he C. school

B. what C. write

B. post office


( ) 1.Today is holiday. A. on

B. an B. How B. are B. to

C. a C. What C. is C.in C. hoping

( ) 2. are you going? A. Where A. am A. at

( ) 3.Anne and I sleeping. ( ) 4.Im going school. ( ) 5.Peter is in the room. A. hop

B. hopping


1. Peter going is Where ?

2. What doing is Dongdong ?

3 going I the office am to post .

4. walking is Anne to school .

5. basketball is playing Lingling .

十、看图将下列单词补充完整。10分) h p ing. sk p ing. playing b sketb ll.

The d g is g ing.

The girl is d n ing.


Mary and Rose are good friends. They are in the same school. But they are not in the same class. Mary is in Class 1, Grade 4, and Rose is in Class 2, Grade 4. Mary likes English and skipping. Rose likes English. But she doesn't like skipping, she likes dancing. Mary and Rose study hard.

( )1. Are Mary and Rose in the same class? .

A. Yes, they are not.B. Yes, they are. C. No, they aren't.

( )2. Mary is in class.

A. Class 2. B. Class 1. C. Class 4.

( )3. Rose likes .

A. English and skipping B. English and dancing C. skipping and dancing .

( )4. Mary and Rose like.

A. art. B. English. C. Chinese.

() 5. Mary and Rose study .

A. lazyB. hard.C. Easy





( ) 1.A.warm ( ) 3.A. saucer ( ) 4.A. winter ( ) 5.A. knee

B. cool

C. ball C. Sunday

( ) 2.A. Monday B. Friday

B.naughty B. autumn

B. tree

C. sauce C.summer

C. sweep


( ) 1.A. Be careful. B. Its beautiful. B. It’s cold in winter B. Spring is warm. B. Today is Friday.

( ) 2.A. Its hot in summer. ( ) 3.A.. Autumn is cool. ( ) 4.A. I like autumn.

( ) 5.A. Today is Monday.

B.I like winter.


Friday play weather lesson hot

1. Today is _______ . 2.Its ____ in summer.

3.We have music ______ on Friday. 4.I can _______ football today. 5. Whats the _______ like today?


( ) 1.Winter is cold.

( ) 2.Tim and Dino go to the beach. ( ) 3.Summer is hot.

( ) 4.It’s spring. Dino and Tim are in the garden. ( ) 5.Autumn is cool. Dino wants Tims jumper.



1. today and tomorrow warm and nice

2. Peter is happy today.


( ) 1.A. music ( ) 2.A. write

B. summer B. rainy

B .lesson B. Monday B. sleep

C. spring C. sunny C. basketball C. good C. cool

( ) 3.A. football ( ) 4.A. Sunday ( ) 5.A. cold


cloudy rainy sunny windy

1. ( )

2. ( )

3. ( )

4. ( )


( ) 1.Peter play football today. Ais


C. can

( ) 2.I have music lesson . Aalso Ain Aon

Bto Bon Bat

Cagain Cat Cin CWinter

( ) 3.Whats the weather like spring? ( ) 4.Its sunny Monday. ( ) 5. _ is cool and nice. AAutumn



( ) 1.当有危险时,你会提醒对方说: A. Be careful!

A. Thank you.

B. Look! B. Not at all. B. Its rainy today. B. Happy New year. B. I like the present.

( ) 2.当你接受别人的祝福后,应该说: ( ) 3.今天是晴天,应该说:

A. Its sunny today. A. Happy birthday.

( ) 4.向别人表示生日快乐时,应该说: ( ) 5.表达这是给对方的礼物,应该说:

A. This is your present.


1.星期五 2.lessen 3.Wednesday 4.音乐 5.星期日 6.football 7.Tuesday 8.星期一 9.星期四 10.Saturday


Autumn hot nice Spring summer.

1.______ is warm and nice.2. It is hot in _________.

3. It’s __________ in winter.4. __________ iscool and_________.


1. spring like I .

2. cool nice is Autumn and .

3. birthday is my Today .

4. is It cold winter in .

5 .happy Peter today is .


I am a student. My name is Yangming. I'm ten. My home is at 23 Tianjin Road. My home phone number is 6699448. I'm in No. 5 Primary School. I'm in Class4 Grade 5. I'm in Row 3. I like dogs. I have a white dog. Its name is Tim.

( ) 1. Yangming is 23.

( ) 2. Yangming 's home is in Tianjin. ( ) 3.Yangming is in No. 4 Primary School. ( ) 4. Tim is Yangming 's dog. ( ) 5. Yangming 's dog is black.





( )1. A. soilB. oilC. coins

( )2. A.ChinaB. international C.happy

( )3. A. toys B. boy C.pound ( )4. A.autumn B.sweepC.camp ( )5. A. AustraliaB. from C.India









India China America France














1. How much is that teddy bear?

2. Where are you from ?


1. 2.

India Australia




3. 4. 5.


( ) 1.A. France

B.dollar B. France B.eleven B. pen

C.pound C. cake C. four C.pencil C. Tuesday

( ) 2.A. lollipop ( ) 3.A. boy ( ) 4.A. apple ( ) 5.A. China

B. Friday


This is a pen.



How much is it? Its ten yuan.




9.00 kite 7.00

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________


_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

( ) 1. are you from? A. Who

A. much

B. Where B. many

C. What C. old

( ) 2.-How is the apple? --Its two yuan.

( ) 3.Anne and Mingming at an international camp. A. is B. are C. be ( ) 4.I have so much money.

A. dont B. am not C. doesnt ( ) 5.How much the glasses?

A. do B. is C. are


1. is much How lollipop the ?

2. from Helen Australia is .

3. come from I China .

4. lives tree It the on .

5. you from Where are ?


1. How much is the apple? A. Here you are. 2. What is your name? B. It’s three yuan.

3. Please give me a ruler . C. Nice to meet you, too. 4.Where are you from? D. I’m from China. 5. Nice to meet you. E. My name is Anne.


Hello, my dear friends! Do you know me? I’m from Sichuan. I’m white and black. I look like(…)a bear. But I’m not a bear or a cat. Who am I? Yes. I’m a panda. I like climbing up trees. Look, I’m a baby. I go to school, too. I’m in Grade One. I’m new here. I’m your friend. I am beautiful. Do you like me?

( )1. It’s a baby bear . ( )2. The panda is white.

( )3.The panda is from Sichuan. ( )4.The panda likes climbing trees. ( )5.The bear is in Grade One .





( )1.A. goat B. boat C.ticket ( )2.A.footB. knee C.Frida ( )3. A. train B. ten C.plane ( )4. A. puppetB. peopleC.pupil

( )5. A. hair B. head C.hold


三、听音,判断所听内容与图片是否一致,对的打“√”,错打 “×”10分)

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.


( ) 1.I have a nice puppet.

( ) 2.It has two big eyes and a big mouth. ( ) 3.It can walk. ( ) 4.It has a big head. ( ) 5.It has two short legs.



1. It has two big eyes and a big mouth.

2. Dino finds a homeless puppet.


( ) 1.A. leg

B. knee B. short

C. big C. shoe

( ) 2.A. sock ( ) 3.A. where ( ) 4.A. his

B. what

C. do C. I C. puppet

B. your

( ) 5.A. walk B. climb


1. foot(复数形式) 2. teeth(单数形式) 3. dont(全写形式) 4. sock(复数形式) 5. a pair of(中文意思)


( ) 1.I have a puppet. It can . A. walks B. walking ( ) 2.I have two . A. foot B. foots ( ) 3.He two hands. A. have B. has

( ) 4.How many do you have.

A. apple B. apples ( ) 5.What you have in your hand?

A. are

B. is


1. 火车票◆shirt pocket 2. 衬衣口袋◆train ticket 3. 我有3美元。◆hold 4.握住;拿着◆hurry

5.匆忙;催促◆I have three dollars.


1. ticket is Where my ?

2. a He puppet has

3 have you ticket a Do ?

4. many fingers How have you ?

C. walk C. feet C. having C. book C. do

5.What you have do your in sock ?


a p __ pp __t a kn __ __ two f__ __ t

a p __ __r of s__ cks

a f __ ng __ __



My name is Lily. This is my house. There are four rooms in my house. This is my father and mother’s room. There are three pictures on the wall. There is a desk near the window. There are two chairs behind the desk. On the left of the room, there is a toilet. On the right, it’s my room. There are four pictures and a poster on the wall. ( )1. This is Lily’s house.

( )2. There are four rooms in the house. ( )3. There are three pictures in Lily’s room.

( )4. There are two chairs and a desk in father and mother’s room. ( )5. The toilet is on the left of my father and mother’s room.




一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。10分) ( )1. A. give B. knee C. sock ( ) 2. A. work B. cook C. bake ( )3. A. busy B. any C. money ( )4. A. pound B. paint C. cupboard ( )5. A. lesson B. come C. letter 二、听录音,用1,2,3,4,5给下列的图标上先后顺序。10分)





have soldier much

1. I like my toy___________ .

2. Do you ____________any money? 3. How__________ is the lollipop? 4. Im Anne. I come from _______. 5. _________is cool and nice.

四、听录音,根据对话内容选择正确答案,并将其代号填入题前的括号内。10分) ( )1. Is Tom making a boat?

A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt. ( )2. Where is Ann going?

A. She is going home. B. She is going to school.

( )3. How much is the orange?

A. Its four yuan. B. Its five yuan.

( )4. Do you have a new friend?

A. Yes, I have. B. No, I dont. ( )5. How old are you?

A. Im seven. B. Im nine.

( 60 )


1. come from Chinatoday and tomorrow

2. making a kiteIt’s cool and nice in Autumn.

六、选出每组单词中不同类的一个5分) ( ) 1. A. springB. weekC. winter

( ) 2. A family. B. Friday C. Monday ( ) 3. A. writeB.going C. coming ( ) 4. A. dollarB. footC. leg

( ) 5. A. shoeB.read C. sock

七、选出下列短语、句子所对应的正确译文。10分) ( ) 1. 烤蛋糕

A. make a mess B. bake a cake

( ) 2. play football

A. 踢足球B. 打篮球

( ) 3. 那男孩在树下面。

A. The boy is under the tree. B. The boy is on the tree.

( )4. 今天是天晴。

A. It’s sunny today. B. It’s rainy today.

( )5.How much is the apple?

A. 这个苹果多少钱? B. 苹果有多少?

八、单项选择,将正确答案的代号填入题前的括号内。5分) ( )1. She is playing _____ piano.

A. an B. the C. 不填 ( )2. That puppet has two_____.

A. leg B. hand C. feet

( )3. _______ are you from? I’m from Australia. A. What B. Where C. When

( )4. How much the glasses? A. are B. is C. be

( )5. What is Peter doing? She is_______. A. writingB. swim C. hop


( )1.

( )2.

( )3.

( )4.

( )5.

A. I come from America.

B. Anne is playing the piano.

C. Jimmy can climb.

D. Mingming is behind the tree.

E. Today is a holiday.

十、 连词成句,首单词已经给出。5分) 1 . can Peter paint Peter.


Your________________________________________________. 3.have do you any money Do ? 4. Anne doing whats

Whats ? 5. you going are where

Where ?

十一、看图片, 写出正确的单词,每一横线上只能填一个字母.5分) gl__ ss s

c __ k sl __ p

w __ nt r p __ p r


rainy sunny windy cloudy

1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4.( )

十三、阅读理解,判断正误,你认为对的写(T) ,你认为错的写(F)10分)

I have two good friends. One is from America. She is a girl. Her name is Alice. She likes music and painting so much. She can sing very good song. The other is a boy. His name is Mike. He is from Australia. He likes basketball and science. ( ) 1. I have two friends. ( ) 2. The girl is from Australia. ( ) 3. She can sing very good song. ( ) 4. The boy is from America. ( ) 5. Mike likes basketball and science.




一、听音选出你所听到的内容。10分) ( )1. A.puppy B.puppet C.rabbit ( )2. A.Sunday B. Saturday C. Monday ( )3. A. make a kite B. make a pie C. make a boat ( )4. A.train B. rain


( )5. A. in the table B. on the table C. under the table



( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

三、听音选出你所听到的句子。 10分) ( )1. A. Where are you from? ( ) 2. A. I like spring.

B. Where are you going?

B. I like winter.

( ) 3. A.Whats Peter doing? B.He is hopping.

( ) 4. A. I come from Canada. B. He comes from Canada. ( )5. A. It is eighty yuan.

B. It is eighteen yuan.

四、听音根据所听到的问句,选择相应的答句。 10分) ( )1. A. Im writing.

B. Hes writing.

( )2. A. Yes,I can. B. No, he cant.

( ) 3. A. Its on the bed. B. Its eighteen yuan. ( ) 4. A.Im eight. B. Its eight yuan. ( ) 5. A. No, you havent.

B. No, I havent.


五、选出不同类的单词,将代号填入题前的括号内。5分) ( ) 1. A. write

B.busy C.make

( ) 2. A.spring B. Saturday C. Monday ( ) 3. A.is

B. in C. on

( ) 4. A.finger B. knee C. puppet ( ) 5. A. playing B. skipping C. sweep 六、根据提示,补全单词。6分) 1. aut__ __n(秋天)

2.m__ __ey()

4. p__ __nt()

3. S__ ___day(星期日)

5. l__ ll__pop(棒棒糖) 6. Am__ r__ ca(美国) 七、用手写体,将下列词组抄写在四线格内。8分) A pair of shoes write in English

Peter is writing playing basketball

come from China making a kite


( ) 1. Dongdong is playing ___ piano.

A. 不填 B. an C. the ( )2.Can you write English?

A. on B. inC. at ( ) 3. are you going?

A. WhereB. HowC. What

( ) 4. is cool and nice.

ASpring BSummerCWinter

( ) 5.--How is the watermelon? --Its eight yuan.

A. oldB. manyC. much

( ) 6.I have two .

A. foot B. footsC. feet

( )7. What is Peter doing? She is_______. A. writingB. swim C. hop

九、Look and arrange.将下列单词分类。(12)

apple leg cloudy orange write sunny finger climb knee rainy watermelon fly

十、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。5分) 1. much ruler the How is ?

2. you have got ticket train a ?

3. happy is Anne today .

4. nice warm and is spring .

5. English you write can in ?


The Smiths like to go out for a trip 外出旅行)on SundaysThis Sunday they want to go to the West Hill(西山).Jack and Miketheir sons, get up very early in the morning, Jack puts on a shirt and jeans(牛仔裤)and Mike puts on a T-shirt and jeansThey also put on their running shoes(跑鞋).They put breadmeateggs and some fruit in a basket and carry it to the carMrs. Smith also takes four tins of coke (四听可乐)with herThe little dog is running after herIt wants to go with themtooThey are all very happy, ( )1On Sundays the Smiths like .

Ato stay at home Bto watch TV

Cto go out for a trip Dto do shopping

( )2Jack and Mike wear

Ajeans and running shoes Bcoats and trousers Cjackets and jeans Djackets and coats ( )3They takewith them

Asome apples and oranges Bsome bananas and pears Csome meat and bread Dsome food and drink ( )4They can haveeach

Atwo tins of coke Ba tin of coke Cfour tins of coke Dthree tins of coke ( )5They also take with them Athe little dog Bthe little cat Cthe bird Dthe horse
