
时间:2022-12-09 14:02:25 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Dear Harry Potter:


I am a primary school student in China. My name is XXX. I'm a quiet little girl with countless dreams. Thank you for teaching me a lot

With your company, I grew up and you became a senior student of Hogwarts. In the book, we experienced the happiness of growth and shared the experience of every soul stirring struggle. I have gradually become brave and strong. Really, although I am still very quiet and not talkative at ordinary times, my heart is strong. When I encounter difficulties, I will not be afraid to always seek help from others, but try to solve them by myself. I used to cry easily, but now I will remind myself to take back my tears. Because of you, I told myself, I must be like Harry and never shrink back in any situation.

