离开公司,你是什么? Leave the company. What are you? 人生最大的不幸,就是一辈子不认识自己。有时,离开平台,自己什么都不是! The greatest misfortune in life is that you don't know yourself all your life. Sometimes, leave the platform, oneself is nothing! 山上的寺院里有一头驴,每天都在磨房里辛苦拉磨,天长日久,驴渐渐厌倦了这种平淡的生活。它每天都在寻思,要是能出去见见外面的世界,不用拉磨,那该有多好啊! There is a donkey in the temple on the mountain, every day in the grinding room hard to grind, for a long time, the donkey gradually tired of this plain life. It is thinking every day, if only I could go out and see the outside world, no need to grind, that would be great ah! 不久,机会终于来了,有个僧人带着驴下山去驮东西,他兴奋不已。 Soon the opportunity came, and a monk took his donkey down the hill and carried his things. He was excited. 来到山下,僧人把东西放在驴背上,然后返回寺院。没想到,路上行人看到驴时,都虔诚地跪在两旁,对它顶礼膜拜。 At the foot of the mountain, the monk put his things on the donkey's back and returned to the temple. Unexpectedly, when passers-by saw the donkey, they all knelt piously on both sides and worshipped it. 一开始,驴大惑不解,不知道人们为何要对自己叩头跪拜,慌忙躲闪。可一路上都是如此,驴不禁飘飘然起来,原来人们如此崇拜我。当它再看见有人路过时,就会趾高气扬地停在马路中间,心安理得地接受人们的跪拜。 At first, the donkey was puzzled, wondering why people should bow down and dodge. But all the way is so, the donkey can not help floating up, so people worship me. When he saw someone passing by again, he would stop in the middle of the road and accept their kneeling. 回到寺院里,驴认为自己身份高贵,死活也不肯拉磨了。 Back in the temple, the donkey thought he was noble and refused to grind. 僧人无奈,只好放它下山。 The monk had no choice but to let it go down the hill. 驴刚下山,就远远看见一伙人敲锣打鼓迎面而来,心想,一定是人们前来欢迎我,于是大摇大摆地站在马路中间。那是一队迎亲的队伍,却被一头驴拦住了去路,人们愤怒不已,棍棒交加……驴仓皇逃回到寺里,已经奄奄一息,临死前,它愤愤地告诉僧人:“原来人心险恶啊,第一次下山时,人们对我顶礼膜拜,可是今天他们竟对我狠下毒手。” As soon as the donkey came down the hill, he saw a group of people beating gongs and drums, thinking that people must have come to welcome me, so he swaggered in the middle of the road. It was a procession of kisses, but was stopped by a donkey. People were angry and clung to each other. The donkey rushed back to the temple and was dying. Before he died, he told the monk angrily: "it turned out to be sinister. People worshipped me the first time they went down the hill, but today they are cruel to me." 僧人叹息一声:“果真是一头蠢驴!那天,人们跪拜的,是你背上驮的佛像啊。” The monk sighed: "if it is really a donkey!" On that day, people knelt down and worshipped the Buddha you were carrying on your back. " 人生最大的不幸,就是一辈子不认识自己。有时,离开平台,自己什么都不是! The greatest misfortune in life is that you don't know yourself all your life. Sometimes, leave the platform, oneself is nothing! 乔家大院里有一个经典的桥段:孙茂才一个落魄秀才投奔乔家,在生意上立下汗马功劳,整个人飘飘然,以为乔家的产业全是自己的功劳,后因私欲被撵出乔家,乔家的竞争对手钱家说的话亮了:不是你成就了乔家的生意,而是乔家的生意成就了你! There is a classic section of the Qiao family compound: sun Maocai, a downcast scholar who went to the Qiao family, made great contributions to his business, and the whole person fluttered, thinking that Joe's property was all his own meritorious service, and that he had been driven out of the Qiao family because of his selfish desire. Qianjia, the rival of the Joe family, said, "it is not you who made the Joe business, but the Joe family who made you!" 有时我是我,有时我不是我,有时认识自己比认识世界还难。每天我们都有照镜子,但是我们在照的时候,有问过自己一句话:“你认识自己吗?” Sometimes I am me, sometimes I am not me, sometimes it is more difficult to know myself than to know the world. Every day we look in the mirror, but when we look at it, we ask ourselves a question: "do you know yourself?" 评语:如果你拥有财富,别人只是崇拜的是你的财富,不是你,但你会误会别人崇拜你; Comment: if you have wealth, others only worship your wealth, not you, but you will misunderstand that others worship you; 如果你有权利,别人崇拜的只是你的权利,不是你,你误会了别人崇拜你; If you have the right, others worship only your right, not you, you misunderstand others worship you; 如果你拥有的是美貌,别人崇拜的只是你暂时拥有的美貌,不是你,你误以为别人崇拜你。 If you have beauty, other people worship only temporary beauty, not you, you mistake others for worshipping you. 当财富、权利、美貌过了质保期,你就会被抛弃…… When wealth, power, and beauty pass the warranty, you will be abandoned. 别人崇拜的只是自己心中的需求,不是你。 Others worship only their own needs, not you. 看清自己非常重要! It's important to see yourself! 做到这六点,你就是公司的宝 Do these six, you are the treasure of the company 1、不要老想着做不顺就跳槽,哪个公司都有问题,哪个公司都有优点。 1, do not always think about not doing well to change jobs, which companies have problems, which companies have advantages. 2、跟对领导很重要,愿意教你的,放手让你做的领导,绝对要珍惜。 2, with the leadership is very important, willing to teach you, let you do the leadership, absolutely cherish. 3、公司的问题就是你脱颖而出的机会,抱怨和埋怨公司就是打自己耳光,说自己无能,更是在放弃机会! 3, the company's problem is the opportunity for you to stand out, complaining and complaining about the company is slapping their own face, saying their incompetence, but also giving up the opportunity! 4、心怀感恩之心,感谢公司给你平台,感谢同事给你配合。 4, the heart of gratitude, thank the company for your platform, thank colleagues for your cooperation. 5、为公司创造利润是你存在的核心价值,公司不是慈善机构。 5. Making profits for the company is the core value of your existence. The company is not a charity. 6、遇到问题请先思考,只反映问题是初级水平,思考并解决问题才是高级水平。 6. Think first when you encounter a problem, only reflect that the problem is at the primary level, thinking and solving the problem is the advanced level. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/9b1ed148ae45b307e87101f69e3143323968f5b1.html