篇一:英语邀请函 Tony 篇二:英语邀请函 Dear Professor Wang, 亲爱的王老师: On behalf of the Student Union of the English Department, Im writing to invite you to give us a speech on Chinese History. 我代表学生会和英语角写信给你邀请你给我们做一个关于中国历史的演讲。 Were going to have such a speech at 2:30 p.m. this Tuesday afternoon in the Meeting Room xx. It would be great honor if you can join in our activity 我们打算在xx会议室星期二下午2:30开这个演讲。如果你能来参加我们的活动将是我们莫大的荣幸 请告知我们你是否会来。我们期待肯定的答复 Sincerely yours, Jimmy xx 篇三:英语邀请函 Dear [xx]: Affectionately yours, xxx 亲爱的[xx]: 您能在[5月5日星期五中午12点钟] 来吃午饭吗? 我侄女[玛丽]正在我们家中作客,我想您会乐于见到她的。她是个漂亮而聪明的女孩子,同她在一起是很使人快乐的![约翰和简]也到这里来,也许在饭后我们能[开个舞会],说好,一定得来呀! xxx 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/9b3f8d05f22d2af90242a8956bec0975f465a49c.html