
时间:2023-08-10 20:00:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

First, the teacher assigned homework mainly in written form, including copying words, copying key sentence patterns, copying text, reciting dialogue, writing training and exercise training, speaking and listening homework is very little, the reason is that the teacher did not have time to check one by one.

Second, students like copying homework the most, because it is simple. Least like writing composition, because of difficulties, only 20% of students like writing composition; 60% of the students think the most effective way to do homework is to recite the text; 20% of students think copying words is the most effective way, followed by writing compositions, listening to tapes and oral training.

Third, about the speaking and listening training, only 20% of the students every day, 80% of the students have listening and speaking homework every day, but less than 20% of the students carefully completed, seriously completed because they like listening and speaking, not seriously do the students because the teacher does not check.

Fourthly, for grammar and writing training, 80% of students think it is necessary to learn grammar, for writing training, learn.

Students feel difficult, but it is necessary, most students think that the writing level is the full embodiment of The English level, because he includes the comprehensive use of words, words, sentences and articles, only 30% of students excellent English level, 30% medium, 20% general, 20% very poor, it seems that this form is not optimistic.

Fifthly, as to whether students have a language environment to help them learn English, only 5% of them have been abroad, three of them

One of my classmates went to Australia, one went to the United States and one went to Japan. None of the students have foreign friends whose native language is English. 25% of the students have the habit of using English dictionaries.14% of students have the habit of reading English newspapers and magazines.

Finally, for homework, most students think we should to dictation, listening and oral communication is given priority to, as far as possible to avoid copying words, copy the text, such as the boring operation, there are individual students proposed to set up the English corner, English club and other campus activities, all love the students can have a chance to speak English to learn English, to show their ability and learn from each other in the big stage.
