初中英语阅读理解——人物传记joseph campbell

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Joseph Campbell

Joseph Campbell was a writer, storyteller and university professor. Throughout his life he often told people to “follow your bliss.”

Campbell was born in White Plains, New York on March 26th, 1904. As a boy, Campbell was interested in the stories and myths of American Indian tribes. As he grew older,

Campbell continued to have an interest in stories, studying literature at Columbia University in New York City. He later studied French and Sanskrit at the University of Paris, and German at the University of Munich.

In 1934 Campbell became a professor at Sarah Lawrence College in Yonkers, New York. While at Sarah Lawrence he wrote many books and taught

comparative mythology and comparative religion. Campbell`s most famous book was The Hero with a Thousand Faces.

Filmmaker George Lucas was deeply influenced by The Hero with a

Thousand Faces, and used Campbell`s ideas when he made the Star Wars films. Campbell and Lucas remained lifelong friends. Campbell used Skywalker Ranch (a studio owned by Lucas) to record a series of interviews for American public television called The Power of Myth. The Power of Myth was one of the most popular programs ever shown on American public television.

After Campbell retired from Sarah Lawrence, he spent most of his time with his wife Jean at their home in Hawaii. Campbell died at his home in Honolulu on October 30th, 1987.


1. What did Campbell often tell people? _______________________________ 2. What three languages did Campbell study? ___________________________ 3. What is Campbell`s most famous book? _____________________________ 4. What filmmaker was influenced by Campbell? ________________________ 5. What was the name of Campbell`s wife? _____________________________
