精品资料欢迎阅读 妈妈们最想要的母亲节礼物 1 Finding the perfect Mother’s Day gift is hard, so to make things easier, we asked moms of the BuzzFeed Community what they’d actually like to receive. Here’s what they told us. 很难说母亲节什么礼物最完美,为了让问题变得简单点,我们咨询了BuzzFeed社区的妈妈们,问她们想要什么样的礼物。以下是她们给出的一些答案: 1. Instead of just signing your name to a store-bought card, make a card that shows how much you really care. 与其在店里买张卡片然后签个名,不如亲自制作一张来的有心。 Julia de Castro, Facebook 来自卡斯特罗的茱莉亚,脸书 2. Even better, write her a heartfelt letter that she can reread from time to time. 更好的就是给她写封真挚的信,她日后时不时还可以拿出来看看。 Carrie Beth Hintz, Facebook 嘉丽·贝丝·汉兹,脸书 3. Moms deserve more than just a day, so write her a short note for each week of the year.For example, “52 Ways You Are The World’s Best Mom.” 母亲节不应该局限于一天,所以每个星期都给她写一次便笺会更好。举个例子,”你是世上最棒的麻麻52条。” Sonnet Fitzgerald, Facebook 桑妮·菲兹杰拉德,脸书 4. Or make her a coupon book she can redeem whenever she wants. 1 精品资料欢迎阅读 But you have to hold up your end of the deal! 或者给她制作一些专属的优惠券,她想什么时候兑换都可以。你一定得遵守你的诺言去履行。 Maud 莫德 5. Time is the most precious gift you can give. Spend the day with her doing whatever she likes to do. 时间就是你能给她最珍贵的礼物。陪她一天,做她喜欢做的事情。 Sonnet Fitzgerald, Facebook 桑妮·菲兹杰拉德,脸书 6. She’s cooked you plenty of meals. Return the favor by serving her a home-cooked breakfast in bed. Make sure to clean up everything afterward; otherwise it’s no gift at all! 她经常为你做饭。现在也请你为她做一份早饭,端到她床前吧。完事之后一定要把厨房搞干净,否则这就没法称为礼物了。 Kisa Johnson, Facebook 琪莎·约翰逊,脸书 7. Or treating her to a delicious brunch at her favorite restaurant. 或者你也可以带她到她最喜爱的餐馆好好搓一顿。 Dana Murphy, Facebook 戴娜·墨菲,脸书 8. Let the pampering begin by getting her a gift certificate to the salon. 爱她就给她一张美容沙龙的礼品卡吧。 2 精品资料欢迎阅读 Kelsey Green, Facebook 凯尔西·格林,脸书 9. Or, get her a gift card with explicit instructions that she buy something she wants and not something she needs, or wherever she likes to shop. 也可以送她一张礼物卡,写上”买你想要的而非需要的”,也就是说让她想买什么就买什么。 Diane 戴安妮 10. If you won’t be around on Mother’s Day, call your mom and catch up trust us, she’ll feel the love. 如果母亲节不能陪她,那就给她打个电话聊聊家常,相信我,她一样能感受到你的爱。 Ella 艾拉 3 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/9e0323c050d380eb6294dd88d0d233d4b04e3f6a.html