
时间:2023-01-26 07:59:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1.光电工程学院School of Optic-electronic Engineering 电子科学与技术Electronic Science & Technology

光信息科学与技术Optic Information Science & Technology 光电信息工程Optic and Electronic Technology 2.机电工程学院School of Mechatronic Engineering 机械制造及其自动化Machine Manufacture & Automation 包装工程Packaging Engineering 工业工程Industrial Engineering 工业设计Industry Design

3.材料化工学School of Materials and Chemical Engineering 金属材料工程Metal Materials Engineering

高分子材料与工程Macromolecule Materials and Engineering 环境工程Environmental Engineering 材料化学Materials Chemistry

4.电子信息工程学院School of Electronic Information Science & Engineering Automation and Electric Engineering


生物医学工程Biomedical Engineering

5.经济管理学School of Economics and Management 人力资源管理Human Resources Management 会计Accounting 管理Management

贸易经济Trade and Economy 商务信息Commercial Information

6.计算机科学与工程学院School of Computer Science and

Information and Communications


计算机科学与技术Computer Science & Technology 网络与信息工程Web & Information Engineering 计算机应用技术Computer Applied Technology 信息处理与控制Information programming and Control 7.建筑工程学院School of Architecture Engineering 土木工程Civil Engineering

城市规划Urban Planning/ City Planning

8.外国语言系Department of International Studies 英语English 日语Japanese

9.文学School of Humanities 汉语言文学专业Chinese Literature

对外汉语专业Chinese as a foreign language 法学专业Law


10..数理系School of Mathematics and Sciences 数学Mathematics 物理Physics

信息与计算机科学Information and Computation Science 11.体育系Department of Physical Education

社会体育Social Sports

12.艺术与传媒学院School of Arts and Communication 艺术设计Artistic Design 工业设计Industry Design 美术学Fine Arts 广告学Advertising
