
时间:2023-02-26 05:04:19 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
一、Criteria of newsworthiness 值得传播的新闻条件 1Timeliness 及时性 2Proximity 接近性 3Conflict 冲突性

4Eminence and Prominence 显著性和突出性 5Consequence and impact 后果和影响 6Human interest 趣味

二、Writing principlesTen principles of clear writing 写作原则 1Keep Sentences Short, on the Average 短句 20字以内

2Prefer the Simple to the Complex 喜欢简单句,不是复合句 3Prefer the Familiar Word 喜欢熟悉的单词 4Avoid Unnecessary Words 避免不必要的单词 5Put Action into Your Verbs 使用动词,具感情色彩的 6Write the Way You Talk 用你说话的方式(不要总说“我觉得怎么怎么样” 7Use Terms Your Reader Can Picture 考虑读者知不知道 用可以看懂的图片 8Tie In with Your Readers Experience 要有参照物 让读者想象 9Make Full Use of Variety 充分利用多元化

10Write to Express, Not to Impress 写为了表达,不是留下深刻印象

三、从交代手法而言,英语新闻报道中的新闻出处主要有三种 1. 具体确切地消息来源


如: according to PLO Yasser Arafat PLO leader Yasser Arafat said. 2. 含蓄不露的消息来源 考虑因素:1)对不愿透露姓名或单位名称的新闻提供者予以保密;2不少提供消息的人士并非十分重要的人物,读者不一定熟悉,提与不提他们的姓名无关紧要,重要的是他们所代表的机构或所披露的消息。 3. 似真非真的消息来源


四、The Forms of English News Headlines 新闻标题 one-deck head 单层标题 1. Keyline head 单行式

2. dropline head/ indented head 阶梯下坠式 3. reverse pyramid head 倒金字塔式 4. flush-left head 左对齐式 5. centered head 中心式

Compound Head 复合标题。主要为使标题醒目突出设计的多行造型。 主标题:包括眉题 eyebrow head )和副标题 (deck) 辅标题


The Font Type of English Headlines 新闻标题

1、新闻标题里实意词的头一个字母都大写 at as 小写 2、首字头一个字母大写 Abcd``` 3、全部字母都大写

Grammatical Features ---Omission 语法上省略时态 1)省略冠词 (a, an, the)

So long as the omission of article does not mislead reader, it can be left out to save space. In headlines, this kind of omission can be found everywhere. E.g. U.S. Official Says (the) Global Economy is Growing Slow (A) Cold and Rainy Day (Is ) Expected 如下注意:a”不能省略 当它需要填充版面

当它是一个idiom习语、俗语 标题来自文章或引用 意思模糊

当代表“一”one,不能省略 (2) 省略助动词 isare

In headlines most of the auxiliary verbs, such as “ will, have, be” can be omitted.

e.g. Cloning TechnologyIs Unlikely to Take Over the World Three (are) Dead After Inhaling Oven Gas. (3) 省略连词 and 连词常用逗号代替

Thailand (and) Indonesia Loans Get Contrasting Responses UsVietnam Resume Talks.

=Us And Vietnam Resume Talks. 4)省略人称关系代词 its Tony Blair wants (his )party to win

China Tighten Grips on Hong Kong Law = China Tighten (Its) Grips on Hong Kong Law


(Is there) Good cure for heart disease?

六、Classification of News Lead 导语(35个单词)分类 I. direct lead V.S. delayed lead

(从新闻内容的展开方式上,可分为直叙式导语和延迟式导语) general way (补充 直叙式:what when where who source 新闻来源

延迟式: 用于soft news ,使新闻更戏剧化,可读性强) II. summary lead V.S. special lead

(从报道的文字表现形式上,分为概括式导语和特殊导语 specific way (补充 直叙是概括,但不是所有的概括都是直叙式;概括范围更大)
