
时间:2022-09-22 07:06:24 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


有一个美丽的小女孩,她的名字叫做小薇. 黄品源《小薇》 2.

那是个宁静的夏天, 你来到宁夏的那一天 梁静茹《宁夏》 3.

爱是个奇迹,会让人突然不能呼吸. 蔡依林jolin《爱情三十六计》 4.

你的手不是手, 是一个温柔的小宇宙, 我这个小星球在你的手中转动. S.H.E 5.

你要学学那个屡战屡败的 陈小春《算你狠》 6.

我想要说的全部写在眼里面 阿杜《哈罗》 7.

大风吹吹什么, 吹一见钟情的人. 王心凌《睫毛弯弯》 8.

可是你给我的爱让我养成了依赖. 潘玮柏《不得不爱》 9.


谢霆锋nicholas 《黄种人》 10.

我将眼泪流成天山上面的湖, 让你疲倦时能够扎营停驻. 梁静茹《丝路》

歌词中的定语从句 参考例句:

1. There is a beautiful girl whose name is Xiaowei.

2.That’s the day when you come in the quiet summer.

3.Love is a wonder which takes my breath away. (taking my breath away.)

4.Your hand is a tender universe in which I’m turning around.

5.You’d better learn from Chen, who keeps fighting no matter how many times he loses.

6.All that I want to say is written in my eyes.

7. The strong wind is blowing at those who fall in love at the first sight.

8.The love that you give me makes me rely on you.

9 . never a wound that cannot be cured.

10.There is I will turn my tears into a lake, by which you can camp when tired.
